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Leaders - where are the good ones?

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Afternoon everyone :D


Have you noticed that the culture of any business/organisation, is set by the leaders?


That the language they use, how they treat other people - is simply copied by everyone else?


Examples are set from the TOP, down.


Kindness, generosity, patience, tolerance - does YOUR boss have these traits?


We seem to be led by the malice of the all-pervasive scum-press. Teaching people to be intolerant and quick to judge.


The bull crap that is black friday being a prime example!


Is there any one out there teaching anything good?? :help:


And even though I KNOW there are (Corbyn, Sanders, Benedict XVI) - why do they get overshadowed by prize nut jobs like Trump?? Has he just bribed his way to power, we wonder?


Thoughts for a Sunday afternoon....



As Always



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Many that have the desire to get to the top, are greedy and selfish people


Yes, it does seem to be that anyone


Holding ANY position of power ANYWHERE


Suddenly activates the reptilian part of their brains! :gag:


"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"


---------- Post added 20-12-2015 at 17:35 ----------


There are as equal numbers if not more of all-pervasive followers of leaders.they tend to oil one another.


I'm not so sure


People follow for sure


But it's the leaders that set the tone of the march

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A friend is an electrician and works for a small family firm.


They have been treated with Christmas goodwill and kindness. Each staff member also received a personalised hand written letter thanking them for all their hard work and a Christmas bonus. They were also presented with a lovely buffet lunch and work was forgotten for the afternoon.


This was in Australia.


Does this still happen here? Serious question.

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A friend is an electrician and works for a small family firm.


They have been treated with Christmas goodwill and kindness. Each staff member also received a personalised hand written letter thanking them for all their hard work and a Christmas bonus. They were also presented with a lovely buffet lunch and work was forgotten for the afternoon.


This was in Australia.


Does this still happen here? Serious question.


Wow. THIS is what I'm talking about Anna!


I have NEVER experienced such appreciation in my working life


What is wrong with the UK


Why is everyone so pessimistic?


Is it the weather??


---------- Post added 20-12-2015 at 17:47 ----------


I am a good leader




What qualities make you so :)

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I am a terrible leader. I am fortunate enough to be in charge of collecting tea money and purchasing and control of all tea/coffee and biscuit related business. I treat each person with the contempt they deserve, as every week I hear the same old line........."I'm skint this week Bill, could I pay twice next week?" Etc etc.

For me to consider myself as a good leader of the sweet treat department, I need to learn more tolerance towards those tight wads that plead poverty, but still require coconut rings at break time.

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