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What, in your opinion, constitutes a terror attack?

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I'd rather the headlines didn't mention the religion be it Muslim, Christian or atheist.

The rapist who got sentence in Sheffield the other day who got a beating off the victim didn't have his religiousor non belief status included in the headline did he?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 01:13 ----------



If you read my post no 74 a bit back on this thread I stated from the public, media and the law in the link to a post on the other thread which has carried on to this one.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 01:14 ----------



Why not keep the religious status out of it?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 01:16 ----------





The above post off the thread I started explains my issue.....


Here's an idea Mafia..Stop trawling through the internet trying to find 'anti-muslim' headlines, switch off the news, stop reading newspapers, and certainly stop coming on Sheffield Forum every day getting wound up.


You can be happy if you want to be.

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Muslim sex offender gang in court and the headline says Muslim grooming gang yet the non Muslim grooming gang in Bristol are referred to as paedophiles with no mention of their religion is one example = http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3230898/Beyond-evil-paedophile-gang-raped-babies-toddlers-streamed-vile-crimes-internet-sex-abusers-world-jailed-78-years.html


I'm amazed that a Muslim grooming gang could be bought up in this thread to try to justify that Muslims and Islam is getting unfair treatment in the media.... especially by a Muslim!


Just what are you getting at mafya is it appears that you have us all baffled as to what is your real gripe here? The Muslim grooming gangs of Rotherham, Bradford, Leicester and across many other parts of the Country were carried out by Muslims, mostly Pakistanis, so why shouldn't it be reported like that? The Bristol sex ring was carried out by Somali men and that was reported like that also.


Deny and Defend is all you seem to do instead of admitting and excepting that bad things are happening in the name of your religion and looking at putting that right. Can you not see that?


As a previous poster said, we do not tarnish you all with the same brush, there are good and bad Muslims but it is still Muslims that are committing terrorist attacks and raping our young girls.


And on that point, Those Muslim men were targeting young white, non Muslim girls and during most of the attacks they were being racially abused as well as sexually abused but yet they were not charged with that! Would a group of white men targeting young Asian girls have gotten away with that? I am also very certain that if that would have happened then there would have been far more trouble on the streets of Rotherham and other towns across the Country!

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With respect , you are another poster who is missing the point . The main issue is about the appearance of the suspect more than the correct or incorrect definition of the word terrorism . Mafya and I believe if the suspect seen on CCTV was of Muslim appearance, then the media would have reported it rightly or wrongly as a potential terrorist act shortly after the incident occurred before the facts were established . It is others who are ignorant/arrogant by being obsessed about the definition of the word terrorism .


I don't have any issues or problems that the suspect has not been charged with a terrorist offence even though in the current climate there are fair arguments he should have been charged with a terrorist act .


Blimey Gamston, I agree with you on a thread about politics and Islam!


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 09:01 ----------


His sentiments were why hasn't a bloke setting fire to some bogroll in a Preston khazi been reported/charged as a terrorist. Because he isn't one was the general consensus. Claiming everyone would have been calling it the next 7/7 had the pratt had a beard and a tan is just conjecture. Should such an incident occur in the future and the pratt in question is of 'muslim appearance' then I will cheerfully slap down anyone who claims its a terrorist attack as I am sure will everyone else who did not regard this as a terrorist attack, ie everyone bar you and mafya.


As would I, but the media WOULD have said it was a 'suspected' terror attack before then dropping the terror attack part with no apology or mention of the fact. I think mafya and Gamston are right here and it's rare I say that.


I do think Muslims get called out by their religion far more than any other group, religious or otherwise, but I don't fully understand the reasons it. Like Tigger put, it could just as easily be that because Muslims are a minority that a crime carried out by a Muslim is more newsworthy, definitely so if lots of Muslims carried out a crime together like in Rotherham as you used that example. Whether that's INTENTIONALLY anti-Muslim and designed to denigrate Muslims I really don't know, but I suspect at least partially yes. Muslims are an easy target especially as the majority aren't white so it can be used to create a even larger faux enemy for the Daily Mail and Sun readers to focus their bile on and conjure more support for war in the Middle East as we are attacking and killing a bogeyman.


I know I've widened the thread even further! But I think the whole thing is related, newspapers make sure Muslims are in the press all the time for doing bad things, rarely for anything positive, anyone who is 'brown-skinned' is assumed to be a Muslim making any issues appear even worse, government plays on this to create more ill-feeling to get the population to support a war. I'm not saying that the government created this mess, but they are happy to fuel it. Of course someone will say 'well if the Muslims didn't commit these crimes they wouldn't be in the news'...

Edited by sgtkate
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Here's an idea Mafia..Stop trawling through the internet trying to find 'anti-muslim' headlines, switch off the news, stop reading newspapers, and certainly stop coming on Sheffield Forum every day getting wound up.


You can be happy if you want to be.

Play the ball and not the man .


You are being unfair because the Preston incident was a breaking news story which proves he wasn't trawling . Most new threads started by posters are inspired by current topics in the news . There have been plenty of recent topics started by others which have Muslim issues .


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 09:32 ----------


Muslims are an ethnic minority though, so when something happens, especially when it was as unprecedented as Rotherham, then its hard not to point out a common factor.


I think you underesimate the fact ther are many independent sensible people who do not tar a whole community with the actions of a few. Going round calling everyone hypocrites and brainwashed doesnt help.


It didnt help the other thread got shut down, but it might have been easier if youd been clearer in what you were complaining about and we could have discussed it in that order, the police, the press and the public. It doesnt help jumping from one thing to the other.


It was perfectly clear what Mafya's issue was on his thread. Now you are nitpicking and because of your obsession with the definition of terrorism rather than having an open mind there would have been no difference to your input in the discussion.


I agree with your reasoning why the identity of an ethnic minority is mentioned in a news items and it is not mentioned when the supects are all white because they are the majority in Britain . From memory, I thought the supects in the Rotherham case where referred to as Asians rather than Muslims but I may have missed some headlines . The fact is regarding terrorism the media is quick to associate acts with Muslims which is the main focus of the recent discussions.


Out of interest when the Police make an arrest for any incident is it common practice to ask the suspect their religion regardless of appearance ?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 09:35 ----------


Blimey Gamston, I agree with you on a thread about politics and Islam!


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 09:01 ----------





Get well soon Sgt Kate :love:

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As you say kate 'if Muslims didn't commit the crimes they wouldn't be in the news'


Around 95% of our population is 'non Muslim' so it would be pretty pointless for the media to report 95% of the time that the culprit of a crime was indeed non Muslim. The problem however is that Muslims commit more than 5% of the crimes so it's bound to be highlighted in the cases where they are involved, I believe that around 14% of our prison population is Muslim just to make that point.


I would say that Muslims on the whole aren't responsible for too many 'low level crimes' and not being drinkers probably helps with that. Talking to a few police officers I know most of their time is actually taken up by Eastern Europeans now and as for violent crimes the black population certainly punch above their weight.


Here however we are talking of terrorism and from what I can see we are only being terrorised from one direction, one religion and that is Islam. No one can deny that surely so it makes perfect sense that when a terrorist act is reported it is seen that Islam and Muslims are responsible.

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As you say kate 'if Muslims didn't commit the crimes they wouldn't be in the news'


Around 95% of our population is 'non Muslim' so it would be pretty pointless for the media to report 95% of the time that the culprit of a crime was indeed non Muslim. The problem however is that Muslims commit more than 5% of the crimes so it's bound to be highlighted in the cases where they are involved, I believe that around 14% of our prison population is Muslim just to make that point.


I would say that Muslims on the whole aren't responsible for too many 'low level crimes' and not being drinkers probably helps with that. Talking to a few police officers I know most of their time is actually taken up by Eastern Europeans now and as for violent crimes the black population certainly punch above their weight.


Here however we are talking of terrorism and from what I can see we are only being terrorised from one direction, one religion and that is Islam. No one can deny that surely so it makes perfect sense that when a terrorist act is reported it is seen that Islam and Muslims are responsible.


Don't quote numbers 'you believe', go and find a link to back them up. 96% of stats are made up. In one post you've managed to make unproven allegations about muslims, black people and eastern Europeans! Are you going for some kind of SF record?

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Perhaps the fact that the perpetrators of most terrorist attacks and sex abuse on underage girls today are usually of Asian/none white appearance hence the assumption that they are Muslims.

White people do commit these crimes but not in such a disproportionate amount.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 10:16 ----------


As you say kate 'if Muslims didn't commit the crimes they wouldn't be in the news'


Around 95% of our population is 'non Muslim' so it would be pretty pointless for the media to report 95% of the time that the culprit of a crime was indeed non Muslim. The problem however is that Muslims commit more than 5% of the crimes so it's bound to be highlighted in the cases where they are involved, I believe that around 14% of our prison population is Muslim just to make that point.


I would say that Muslims on the whole aren't responsible for too many 'low level crimes' and not being drinkers probably helps with that. Talking to a few police officers I know most of their time is actually taken up by Eastern Europeans now and as for violent crimes the black population certainly punch above their weight.


Here however we are talking of terrorism and from what I can see we are only being terrorised from one direction, one religion and that is Islam. No one can deny that surely so it makes perfect sense that when a terrorist act is reported it is seen that Islam and Muslims are responsible.

You're bound to get some stick for that.

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Perhaps the fact that the perpetrators of most terrorist attacks and sex abuse on underage girls today are usually of Asian/none white appearance hence the assumption that they are Muslims.

White people do commit these crimes but not in such a disproportionate amount.


This is simply not true. The vast majority of perpetrators of sexual abuse on underage girls in this country are white British.

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This is simply not true. The vast majority of perpetrators of sexual abuse on underage girls in this country are white British.
True, obviously in a country where the vast majority of people are white (not sure what you mean by white British? Does that include my quarter Polish mate?). As a proportion though its a different story. It's no good sticking our heads in the sand or crying 'racist!'.


We need to look at why this is and address it. Not by arming up a load of right wing idiots with pitchforks to 'sort them out' which I know is the loopy scenario going around your head, but by identifying why this happens and re-educating.

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