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What, in your opinion, constitutes a terror attack?

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This is simply not true. The vast majority of perpetrators of sexual abuse on underage girls in this country are white British.


Stats published by the bbc in 2012 (before the grooming gangs were known about) stated that 20% of sexual abusers were Asian, despite only 4.5% of the population at large being Asian. So whilst the majority isn't, there are 4x more abusers per 1000 Asian men than per 1000 white men.


I think role models in the Asian community are at least partly to blame.

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True, obviously in a country where the vast majority of people are white (not sure what you mean by white British? Does that include my quarter Polish mate?). As a proportion though its a different story. It's no good sticking our heads in the sand or crying 'racist!'.


We need to look at why this is and address it. Not by arming up a load of right wing idiots with pitchforks to 'sort them out' which I know is the loopy scenario going around your head, but by identifying why this happens and re-educating.


Exactly. If there is a disproportionate numbers of any group whether they be bridge players committing assault or priests committing child abuse then it is common sense to investigate if the shared attributes are somehow helping to fuel the crimes committed. If the link happens to be religion then it is and that is what needs to be investigated to see if there is a link. There might not be, it might just simply be that people tend to associate with people who are similar and religion is a shared attribute rather than any one religion in itself encourages child abuse or terrorism for example.

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Stats published by the bbc in 2012 (before the grooming gangs were known about) stated that 20% of sexual abusers were Asian, despite only 4.5% of the population at large being Asian. So whilst the majority isn't, there are 4x more abusers per 1000 Asian men than per 1000 white men.


I think role models in the Asian community are at least partly to blame.


Name one.,,,,,,

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Name one.,,,,,,


The ones running illegal schools where they teach sexism, homophobia, misogyny, intolerance, religious, cultural and social separatism. And the parents who send their children to them. Then there are the ones that aren't illegal, and the mosques that teach the same.


It would be very unfair to tar all Asians with the same brush but that seems to be all the serious Muslims covered or did I miss some?

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