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What, in your opinion, constitutes a terror attack?

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You're link is just an article basically saying the same thing.


I'm talking about actual examples of UK headlines emphasising the word 'Muslim'.

I expect that if he digs enough he'll probably find at least one from the Daily Mail (hardly a fair representation of the general media though, is it?) but it's as bad as Mafya claims, there will be plenty for him to choose from.

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The US is different. we dont have the sort of extremist groups they do. As far as i recall the extremist we have in the UK that are not linked to Muslims or Islamic fundamentalism pr the Middle East are Terror groups to do with NI, possibly hunt saboteurs and anti abortionists. there was one example of someone from the BNP.


Some UK examples would be good. I did read the article though, but the discussion really is to do with the UK and UK press if its moved onto that.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 15:49 ----------


I'm a little perplexed as to why we're even debating Mafya's claims even though he's switched it from terrorism to rape gang headlines, without providing evidence of either.


Well they arent just Mafyas claims and yes they do keep switching what they are complaining about. Presumably its not about the police any more, its about portrayal by the media.


Is it some of the media or all of the media? If people provide examples then we can see whats being talked about.

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---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 15:49 ----------



Well they arent just Mafyas claims and yes they do keep switching what they are complaining about. Presumably its not about the police any more, its about portrayal by the media.


Is it some of the media or all of the media? If people provide examples then we can see whats being talked about.

Mafya has not moved the goalposts at all



Mafya said ............


A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk...-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/vi...-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........



Edited by Gamston
highlighted text in red for the benefit of the skater
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Mafya has not moved the goalposts at all



Mafya said ............


A man plants a bomb in a Preston shopping centre and the police and media don't class it as a terrorist attack yet if the device had gone off it would have caused terror/injury= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk...-a6777976.html

If this had been a Muslm looking suspect the media would have been screaming " Muslim terrorist attack ".

The police say the wanted man wanted to cause serious injury....

Meanwhile the vilification of Muslims carrys on= http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/vi...-34298716.html

Please be careful while out Christmas shopping, it's not only the Muslim looking people you need to be wary of it........




He's made lots of claims about media hypocricy, so provide us with the examples if its so widespread.


He was annoyed at the police, but its hard to see they have done anything wrong.


He was annoyed at the press, but its also hard to see what they have done wrong.


He then says he is annoyed about the different treatment muslims get and that muslims have it pointed out that they are muslims in the headlines and that Christians done get the same treatment.


Whilst I can see certain sections of the media have different agendas Mafya is indicating widespread misreporting. It would be nice to see some examples. Its only natural that newspapers are going to speculate as events unfold, but once the police have made an initial determination then they have to abide by that. Its only natural if a high % of the people involved in terrorist attacks happen to be muslim that the press uses that as an identifying factor, the same as if they had all been chinese or jewish.


Exactly the same connecting factor of the sex offenders being muslim when it comes to the grooming scandals in Rotherham and elsewhere. They were of a particular type and being muslim was a common factor.


That said its not saying all muslims are xyz.


What im interested in seeing is the widespread hypocricy by the media in villifying muslims. As mafya likes to generalise, then am assuming the media includes the likes of the BBC and the broadhseets, not just the tabloids. Please provide examples.


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 19:03 ----------



---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 09:01 ----------




As would I, but the media WOULD have said it was a 'suspected' terror attack before then dropping the terror attack part with no apology or mention of the fact. I think mafya and Gamston are right here and it's rare I say that.


Feel free to povide the examples then and from a selection of the press. BBC, broadsheets, tabloids. Shouldnt be hard to find numerous examples of this hypocricy is as widespread as you claim. I'm not saying reporting stadards dont vary, but im interested in the examples of where they are as hypocrictical and widespread as you and Mafya are claiming. is the speculation fair comment?

Edited by 999tigger
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The US is different. we dont have the sort of extremist groups they do..
The Osmonds, The Eagles?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 22:35 ----------


Muhammed, the biggest and most influential role model.


How old was his wife?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 22:38 ----------


That's quite clearly not what he's saying. He's saying that Muslim suspects are treated differently to non Muslim suspects.

The should all eat the same, Smokey bacon crisps, Bacon Butties.

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The Osmonds, The Eagles?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 22:35 ----------



How old was his wife?


---------- Post added 22-12-2015 at 22:38 ----------


The should all eat the same, Smokey bacon crisps, Bacon Butties.


Aisha was 5 the time muhammed had a dream about her and forced her father to consent to marriage. 6 when the nikkat occurred and 9 when she was endured intercourse with her 57 year old husband. Read bukhari for the source of my claims

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Seeing as Mafya's still yet to post any evidence of his Muslim terrorist headline claims I thought I'd just drop this here...


Ginger terrorist plotted to shoot Prince Charles dead so fellow redhead Harry 'would be king'



So, so far we have a recent terrorist attack in California by Muslims that wasn't referred to as a terrorist attack until it had been confirmed... and we also have headlines about a very white man plotting to carry out a terrorist attack.

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Seeing as Mafya's still yet to post any evidence of his Muslim terrorist headline claims I thought I'd just drop this here...




So, so far we have a recent terrorist attack in California by Muslims that wasn't referred to as a terrorist attack until it had been confirmed... and we also have headlines about a very white man plotting to carry out a terrorist attack.


Why didn't they state his religion instead of calling him a ginger extremist?

This terrorist didn't even get called a terrorist even though he hijacked a plane with a political aim= http://www.juancole.com/2014/02/another-terrorist-hijacker.html

Is this a good enough example for you?

Anyway I've had enough of all this terrorism discussion and I will leave you lot to it as I have got Christmas dinner shopping and last minute presents to sort out.:wave:

Edited by mafya
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Why didn't they state his religion instead of calling him a ginger extremist?


What makes you think he has a religion?

This terrorist didn't even get called a terrorist even though he hijacked a plane with a political aim= http://www.juancole.com/2014/02/another-terrorist-hijacker.html

Is this a good enough example for you?

Of course it's not good enough, the request was for you to give an example of headlines (UK preferably, but not entirely vital) about suspected terrorists with an emphasis on 'Muslim' in the headline.

Surely the internet must be littered with such headlines, with how much it has upset you?

(I like this little gem of an assumption from your link "this Ukrainian, presumably an Eastern Orthodox Christian" - agenda much?)


Anyway I've had enough of all this terrorism discussion and I will leave you lot to it as I have got Christmas dinner shopping and last minute presents to sort out.:wave:


Across two entire threads you've complained that if suspects are Muslim they will be assumed to be terrorists and that the media makes a big deal of it in their headlines, throughout it all you've not been able to give one single example of this.

You've had enough? We're still waiting!

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