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What, in your opinion, constitutes a terror attack?

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Can people with mental health disorders


Realistically be named 'terrorists'?


In the example of Lee Rigby's killers


They were found mentally competant to stand trial and are convicted murderers.


You seem to have a habit of posting things which have no basis in fact.

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They were found mentally competant to stand trial and are convicted murderers


I understood that they were paranoid crack addicts


At the time of Lee's murder


Are you telling me something different quicken?


You seem to have a habit of posting things which have no basis in fact


How would you know?


You've only bin ere a month! :hihi:

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I understood that they were paranoid crack addicts


At the time of Lee's murder


Are you telling me something different quicken?




How would you know?


You've only bin ere a month! :hihi:


This thread in which you have without any citation claimed they were 'off their head on heroin', 'sufferering from mental health disorders' and now that they were 'paranoid crack addicts'. That suggests to me either you are deliberately trolling to get a rise or you just post nonesense.

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I understood that they were paranoid crack addicts

At the time of Lee's murder

Are you telling me something different quicken?


How would you know?

You've only bin ere a month! :hihi:


Seems like you're the only one who understood that about them. Although they had both been small time crooks and drug dealers in their troubled pasts, according to the online info I've just been reading looking for something to qualify your point.


Surprised to learn that one of them has six kids! What an example as a parent, eh?


On your second point, to be fair, you've posted enough garble for someone who's only been here a day to get that impression.

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This thread in which you have without any citation claimed they were 'off their head on heroin', 'sufferering from mental health disorders' and now that they were 'paranoid crack addicts'. That suggests to me either you are deliberately trolling to get a rise or you just post nonesense.


Spot on.


Solomon why no read up on the case before passing comment. That was not the situation. You talk about stop the lies and then you come out with garabage like that which shows you know nothing about the case.

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I understood that they were paranoid crack addicts


At the time of Lee's murder


Are you telling me something different quicken?



In a previous post you said heroin addicts, now you're saying crack addicts. Where exactly are you getting your information from?

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It's a shame people have to google words when they lack the intellect to make judgements from information and common sense stored in their own minds .


Forgive me for playing you at your own game ............


"In its broadest sense, terrorism is any act designed to cause terror"






Which would make pretty any action done to scare someone. A horror movie? That's designed to cause terror. This is the problem with language and why legal documents are so painful to read because they have to remove and all ambiguity. I better definition would surely be:

"In its broadest sense, terrorism is any act involving violence designed to cause terror of the target or those affiliated with them."

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Which would make pretty any action done to scare someone. A horror movie? That's designed to cause terror. This is the problem with language and why legal documents are so painful to read because they have to remove and all ambiguity. I better definition would surely be:

"In its broadest sense, terrorism is any act involving violence designed to cause terror of the target or those affiliated with them."


All fair points .


My point is we could all google words and cherry pick links until we found a definition to suit our own viewpoints .


Mafya's post# 95 on his Why isn't this classed as a terrorist attack? thread adds more value to a discussion than RootsFluster did my simply googling a word when he was bankrupt of common sense .

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