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Stop with the lies already

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Evenin All :D


It has recently come to my attention


That there is a LOT of bull crap out there being pedalled by the media


In order to whip a frenzy of fear


So that our government has free reign to commit atrocities


With public consent.....


Just FYI


"Most of the terrorist activity in the US in recent years has come not from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups"




So just bear this in mind people - do your own research!


And use alternative media from the mainstream.



As Always



Edited by Solomon1
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The problem with a lot of 'alternative media' is that it has an agenda so its pro or anti something or other so it tends to focus one side of an argument rather that just do the best to present facts.


But the mainstream media has an agenda too.


I'm glad the OP posted because to be fair we see people whipped into a anti-Islamic frenzy more and more with every passing day, and that is precisely what the terrorists want.

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I don't live in the USA.


I live in the UK which has a problem with Muslim terrorists commiting terrorist acts in the UK, and UK Muslims joining a foreign army that commits and encourages the most appalling terrorist acts like cold blooded beheadings and immolation of innocents before taking the night off to rape a few women and kill their children and elderly relatives.



You seem to have scored a bit of an own goal Solomon1. Nobody can be that stupid so you must be a CIA plant.

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But the mainstream media has an agenda too.


I'm glad the OP posted because to be fair we see people whipped into a anti-Islamic frenzy more and more with every passing day, and that is precisely what the terrorists want.


There are sections of the 'alternative media' which both ludicrously overplay and ludicrously downplay threats from islamic terrorism. A wide variety of sources of info is no bad thing but the idea that agenda driven amatuers are the arbiters of 'truth' is rather concerning.

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The problem with a lot of 'alternative media' is that it has an agenda so its pro or anti something or other so it tends to focus one side of an argument rather that just do the best to present facts.


I don't disagree with you but I would argue that exactly the same thing could be said of the 'mainstream media' when it comes to things like politics. Try finding an unslanted report about anything to do with the Labour Party in a newspaper owned by Murdoch for example.


Alternative media and certain professional journalist bloggers do have a tendancy to dig deeper into their stories than the mainstream media do and not dumb it down and I really like that because some things are too important to be boiled down into cheap headlines and infobites for those with the shortest attention span.

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I don't disagree with you but I would argue that exactly the same thing could be said of the 'mainstream media' when it comes to things like politics. Try finding an unslanted report about anything to do with the Labour Party in a newspaper owned by Murdoch for example.


Its quite easy to filter the mainstream media though and make your own mind up.

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There are sections of the 'alternative media' which both ludicrously overplay and ludicrously downplay threats from islamic terrorism. A wide variety of sources of info is no bad thing but the idea that agenda driven amatuers are the arbiters of 'truth' is rather concerning.


I think, in the UK, that while we should take the threat extremely seriously it is important to have a sense of perspective.


We invest massive sums of cash in surveillance and we know MI5 do a great job breaking up planned attacks. We have a low number of successful attacks.


That is not to be complacent but we have tighter borders than other countries, low availability of firearms, decent security, and a reasonably effective security service.


We should be feeling relatively safe here, not increasingly hysterical.

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