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Essex Council considering introducing a 'falling fee'

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They don't have to pay. Where was there a suggestion they do?


True, it's an optional service, costing about £4 more on top of an existing service which is already chargeable at £21/year.


This will allow those opting in to the additional service to be attended to by fully-trained staff should they fall at home.


Sounds like quite good value. Or on the other hand they could call 999 and have the service for free...

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True, it's an optional service, costing about £4 more on top of an existing service which is already chargeable at £21/year.




Sounds like quite good value. Or on the other hand they could call 999 and have the service for free...


If it's like the service offered within the borders of Derbyshire county council that my dad briefly used, the button was pressed and a man came round. "Give us a hand getting him up" said mum. "Oh I can't lift him up - health and safety. We need to get an ambulance". This was confirmed as standard OP with a phone call the following day.

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Sounds like quite good value. Or on the other hand they could call 999 and have the service for free...
But then, quid of the £2.2bn black hole in the NHS budget and the perennial A&E/emergency services over-burdening?


A close member of my extended family, with advanced Parkinsons, is affected by this very issue (falls a few times a day, and no amount of home reconfiguring seems able to improve things). That service for £4 would still be cheap at twice the price.

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But then, quid of the £2.2bn black hole in the NHS budget and the perennial A&E/emergency services over-burdening?


A close member of my extended family, with advanced Parkinsons, is affected by this very issue (falls a few times a day, and no amount of home reconfiguring seems able to improve things). That service for £4 would still be cheap at twice the price.


But why should people have to pay for this service? It would be utterly unacceptable to leave them there if they cannot pay wouldn't it? Therefore we have a basic service that should be above money, like the NHS, education etc. I do understand that calling out an ambulance for this is likely overkill, but this is mainly down to the huge cuts in social care not the NHS. Get more social workers in specifically to look after the elderly in their own homes who are trained in lifting techniques and has access to specialist equipment if needed. We cannot keep just saying to people 'oh you need to pay for that' . If I have to pay more tax to make sure all the elderly get this service for free then it's money well spent. £26 a year? I'll pay that for any elderly person who needs it who gets charged it. Add it to council tax, it'll cost us perhaps a quid each a year and problem solved.


I'm really hoping I've misunderstood the policy but I've read a couple of articles about it.

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You're the one who brought party politics into it, not me! I

Rubbish. YOU brought party politics into it by deliberately linking to a politically biased article headlined Pensioners To Be Charged 'Falling Fee' By Conservative-Controlled Tendring District Council


Your none too subtle adjustment for your own title isn't fooling anyone. ;)

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But why should people have to pay for this service? It would be utterly unacceptable to leave them there if they cannot pay wouldn't it? Therefore we have a basic service that should be above money, like the NHS, education etc. I do understand that calling out an ambulance for this is likely overkill, but this is mainly down to the huge cuts in social care not the NHS. Get more social workers in specifically to look after the elderly in their own homes who are trained in lifting techniques and has access to specialist equipment if needed. We cannot keep just saying to people 'oh you need to pay for that' . If I have to pay more tax to make sure all the elderly get this service for free then it's money well spent. £26 a year? I'll pay that for any elderly person who needs it who gets charged it. Add it to council tax, it'll cost us perhaps a quid each a year and problem solved.


I'm really hoping I've misunderstood the policy but I've read a couple of articles about it.


Presumably because they have less money to go round more people. Oys ok saying get more social workers in but if your fund has been cut or is under greater pressure, then you cant just magic money out of nowhere.

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But why should people have to pay for this service? It would be utterly unacceptable to leave them there if they cannot pay wouldn't it? Therefore we have a basic service that should be above money, like the NHS, education etc. I do understand that calling out an ambulance for this is likely overkill, but this is mainly down to the huge cuts in social care not the NHS. Get more social workers in specifically to look after the elderly in their own homes who are trained in lifting techniques and has access to specialist equipment if needed. We cannot keep just saying to people 'oh you need to pay for that' . If I have to pay more tax to make sure all the elderly get this service for free then it's money well spent. £26 a year? I'll pay that for any elderly person who needs it who gets charged it. Add it to council tax, it'll cost us perhaps a quid each a year and problem solved.


I'm really hoping I've misunderstood the policy but I've read a couple of articles about it.


Remember this is part of the social care that is given. With the new reforms, instead of taking whats offered, you get your allowance for social care, whatever that is, and then you choose the services you want. This is what this service costs - if you want it, you can pay it, if you don, then you dont have to. But almost everyone paying for this will be doing so with money they have been given as part of their Attendance Allowance.


It's a total utter none story that the Left have decided to lie and whine about in order to make a point.


So I'll ask them.... Derbyshire county council, that bastion of the Left used to charge you £50 in the 1980's if you pulled the wrong light cord and set off the "I've fallen over alarm". These were identical coloured cords hung next to each other, with just a single word printed on the ceiling.


They charged an extra £30 a WEEK, not per year if you needed to have a personal attendant on call for you. My gran had to stump up that, or go into a home. Some choice.


Did the right wing make a song and dance about it? No, they just suggested that this was a bit much and you should perhaps do things differently. There was no of the mendacious outright lies and falsehoods that is slung about today. Perhaps that's because back then they had integrity rather than the nasty trashy crap on the left these days.

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Remember this is part of the social care that is given. With the new reforms, instead of taking whats offered, you get your allowance for social care, whatever that is, and then you choose the services you want. This is what this service costs - if you want it, you can pay it, if you don, then you dont have to. But almost everyone paying for this will be doing so with money they have been given as part of their Attendance Allowance.


It's a total utter none story that the Left have decided to lie and whine about in order to make a point.


So I'll ask them.... Derbyshire county council, that bastion of the Left used to charge you £50 in the 1980's if you pulled the wrong light cord and set off the "I've fallen over alarm". These were identical coloured cords hung next to each other, with just a single word printed on the ceiling.


They charged an extra £30 a WEEK, not per year if you needed to have a personal attendant on call for you. My gran had to stump up that, or go into a home. Some choice.


Did the right wing make a song and dance about it? No, they just suggested that this was a bit much and you should perhaps do things differently. There was no of the mendacious outright lies and falsehoods that is slung about today. Perhaps that's because back then they had integrity rather than the nasty trashy crap on the left these days.


Overreaction much...


As im not aligned politically I just read the story for what it was £25.92 a year or an extra £2.16 a month surcharge. Not sure why you got so excited or felt the need to turn it into a left right bun fight.

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Because I'm sick to death of them whining none stop about pointless non issues like this and stopping us from fixing the more serious problems that we have have to deal with.


Labour currently just seem to want to whine none stop about anything. Doesnt matter if it's of any relevance whatsover, they just want to cause problems. That's not the mark of a responsible Opposition but then again, I guess they dont want to be.

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