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Essex Council considering introducing a 'falling fee'

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Pensioners,rest easy,don't panic,sleep well in your beds. I have the answer to your problems. I am currently in the final development stages of a device that will not only prevent falls but also put an end to costly re-erection services. In my mind I have devised a semi-hemispherical weighted base that can be attached to pensioners lower regions that,when they start to fall,will instantly return them to the upright position. Available in a variety of colours and by mail order it's time to put an end to instability misery. Remember "we may wobble but we won't fall down"! Makes a perfect Christmas gift.

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Because I'm sick to death of them whining none stop about pointless non issues like this and stopping us from fixing the more serious problems that we have have to deal with.


Labour currently just seem to want to whine none stop about anything. Doesnt matter if it's of any relevance whatsover, they just want to cause problems. That's not the mark of a responsible Opposition but then again, I guess they dont want to be.


Are you complaining about the story being in the media or the fact they printed a comment from a pensioner and a Labour person? Seems pretty innocuous.


Dont you get bored of just dragging politics in. I thought it was about the growing needs of pensioners and whether they should have to pay for certain services.

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But why should people have to pay for this service?
Because in this day and age of restricted budgets and ever increasing amounts of OAPs with ever more care needs, I understand that there needs to be a limit to what is offerred for free (and regardless of the broader debate, the situation is what it is, now, daily - and is unlikely to change anytime soon).


NHS & social services (not much) and a free 24h care assistant like that relative's retired partner, aided by us as and when we can, is the limit of it.


And we're a tad too busy, with jobs, family and other responsibilities, to be on call 24/7 to go pick him up for the 4th or 5th time a day when his retired partner has no strength left to do it herself.


So currently the choice is (relatively) easy: leave him down until she has regained enough strength or we're free to drive the 3 miles and assist, call 999 (...again), or a care home. That pay-per-pick option sounds grand if you ask me.

Edited by L00b
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Because in this day and age of restricted budgets and ever increasing amounts of OAPs with ever more care needs, I understand that there needs to be a limit to what is offerred for free (and regardless of the broader debate, the situation is what it is, now, daily - and is unlikely to change anytime soon).


NHS & social services (not much) and a free 24h care assistant like that relative's retired partner, aided by us as and when we can, is the limit of it.


And we're a tad too busy, with jobs, family and other responsibilities, to be on call 24/7 to go pick him up for the 4th or 5th time a day when his retired partner has no strength left to do it herself.


So currently the choice is (relatively) easy: leave him down until she has regained enough strength or we're free to drive the 3 miles and assist, call 999 (...again), or a care home. That pay-per-pick option sounds grand if you ask me.


It's not even pay per pick. It's a one off a year charge less than a pound a week. But dressed up to make it look like charge per fall.


Lying left etc etc...

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It's not even pay per pick. It's a one off a year charge less than a pound a week. But dressed up to make it look like charge per fall.


Lying left etc etc...


Where is it dressed up to make it look like charge per fall? I read both articles as linked and didnt see any misreporting.

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It's not even pay per pick. It's a one off a year charge less than a pound a week. But dressed up to make it look like charge per fall.


Lying left etc etc...


Aw diddums.


It's an additional charge levied because of Tory cuts.


You can scream and shout and rage all you want but the facts are that cuts are causing this whilst money can be found to bribe the Chinese Govt to run Nuclear power stations, and £7500 per badger can be found for culls.


It's not wrong to point out that money could and should be spent in better ways.

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The way in which it is portrayed is a lie by the Left. It's been in the usual rags to much howling and gnashing of teeth and probably a lot of self indulgent rightoues puffery too.


I know of at least three Labour councils that have had the same style of charge for decades but the right wing opposition have better manners that to try and score cheap political points off it. Shame that the Left don't have the same sense of integrity.


I know nothing about this, so would you explain what the three Labour councils do? Do they charge or not? Serious question.


My relative has to pay for an alarm button that he wears in case he falls. I think it's about £30 a year. Is that what is being meant?


Fortunately they've never had to use it, but we assumed he would be helped until we could get there.

Edited by Anna B
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I know nothing about this, so would you explain what the three Labour councils do? Do they charge or not? Serious question.


My relative has to pay for an alarm button that he wears in case he falls. I think it's about £30 a year. Is that what is being meant?


Fortunately they've never had to use it, but we assumed he would be helped until we could get there.


The only way he'd be helped would be whoever turned up would ring 999.

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Pensioners,rest easy,don't panic,sleep well in your beds. I have the answer to your problems. I am currently in the final development stages of a device that will not only prevent falls but also put an end to costly re-erection services. In my mind I have devised a semi-hemispherical weighted base that can be attached to pensioners lower regions that,when they start to fall,will instantly return them to the upright position. Available in a variety of colours and by mail order it's time to put an end to instability misery. Remember "we may wobble but we won't fall down"! Makes a perfect Christmas gift.


Thank you so much for the reassurance . I will sleep soundly tonight.

What a devilishly cunning solution. What are they retailing at and can I get one at Tescos, or "Tinternet" or that there "ebay"? As we are all "living longer" presumably there will be more of us falling over. Consequently , there's an investment opportunity in their manufacture- just waiting to be snapped up.

Whatever new thingy-majigs will they think of next ! Keep up the good work.

You are the Barnes Wallis of the search for a technological solution ,to pensioner instability. Upsadaisy ! So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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