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Tim Peake ISS launch a hoax?

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So some basic physics here. G forces are only experienced during a change of momentum. To keep things nice and simple for you as clearly these concepts are hard:


- How does it feel when you pull away quickly from a junction in your car? Do you feel you are pushed backwards into your seat? Yet you are only doing 20mph!

- How does it feel when you are driving calmly on a motorway, just cruising along? Do you notice how you aren't being pushed backwards in your seat? Yet you are doing 70mph!


Now apply that to the launch. The rocket attains near maximum speed very quickly. The high G force being pulled will only last while the rocket is accelerating the fastest, which will not be immediately after take off and will end well before the rocket reaches space.


Honestly, why is it that pretty much all the conspiracy theorists lack any basic science understanding? Can you explain how they've faked weightlessness?


---------- Post added 21-12-2015 at 11:20 ----------



Boom! Lovely.


I think you will find that launch acceleration will be rather low as there is a lot of fuel to burn and engines are cold. The acceration will build to a peak, when the rocket will stage and then the acceleration will drop down again as the next fully laden stage fires.You also get a higher specific impulse in a vacuum compared to the atmosphere.


Acceleration isn't high there is staging, vibration of a camera attached to what's vibrating?


Why on earth shouldn't he be able to write....

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I think you will find that launch acceleration will be rather low as there is a lot of fuel to burn and engines are cold. The acceration will build to a peak, when the rocket will stage and then the acceleration will drop down again as the next fully laden stage fires.You also get a higher specific impulse in a vacuum compared to the atmosphere.


Acceleration isn't high there is staging, vibration of a camera attached to what's vibrating?


Why on earth shouldn't he be able to write....


I tried to change my post because that was written very poorly. We are agreeing! :) It's almost like nearly anything's acceleration path, slow, faster, FAST, slow. The more momentum needed to accelerate to the chosen speed the move obvious the changing phases.

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So some basic physics here. G forces are only experienced during a change of momentum. To keep things nice and simple for you as clearly these concepts are hard:


- How does it feel when you pull away quickly from a junction in your car? Do you feel you are pushed backwards into your seat? Yet you are only doing 20mph!

- How does it feel when you are driving calmly on a motorway, just cruising along? Do you notice how you aren't being pushed backwards in your seat? Yet you are doing 70mph!


Now apply that to the launch. The rocket attains near maximum speed very quickly. The high G force being pulled will only last while the rocket is accelerating the fastest, which will not be immediately after take off and will end well before the rocket reaches space.


Also, no vibrations? Is that the best you can do? Have you not seen those steady cam mounts? They completely remove any shake from a cameraman who is walking around shooting video. Do you not think that perhaps the ESA have got something similar. People really do look for the teeniest bit of 'evidence' to back up their beliefs don't they? Same in politics. An MP of a party you don't like does something bad and everyone cries foul, the moment someone you support does it you try to come up with ways to explain and excuse them.


Honestly, why is it that pretty much all the conspiracy theorists lack any basic science understanding? Can you explain how they've faked weightlessness?


And using daytime TV presenters facial expressions as some kind of scientific evidence that something is wrong is hilarious.


---------- Post added 21-12-2015 at 11:20 ----------



Boom! Lovely.


But they were sat like that throughout the launch accerating from zero to over 4700 mph

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But they were sat like that throughout the launch accerating from zero to over 4700 mph


Forget complex physics for a moment think about this for a minute. The ESA, multiple governments, and the astronauts must have planned this 'hoax' for a long time. Everything must have been very carefully thought out. Imagine if it got out this was a hoax, it would be horrendous. Staff would need full vetting or to be lied to equally. This wouldn't be an easy simple thing to pull off.


Yet, with all that planning you think it's remotely possible that the ESA didn't think about a camera not vibrating and the astronauts didn't think to pretend they were pulling some G forces? Really?!?! So Occams Razor, which is more likely:


- The ESA totally messed up a planned hoax, the astronauts forgot they were meant to be pulling some G forces and forgot to stop making notes and start pulling some gurning faces


- It's all completely normal.



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But they were sat like that throughout the launch accerating from zero to over 4700 mph


Speed is not the be all and end all of acceleration though. It's the rate of change that's important, and it's perfectly possible to type and write under acceleration - you do it every day you are stood on the Earth.


What's difficult is writing under conditions of a jerk which is the derivative of acceleration. That occurs much less often, in a car when you change gear or ina rocket when staging occurs.

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Speed is not the be all and end all of acceleration though. It's the rate of change that's important, and it's perfectly possible to type and write under acceleration - you do it every day you are stood on the Earth.


What's difficult is writing under conditions of a jerk which is the derivative of acceleration. That occurs much less often, in a car when you change gear or ina rocket when staging occurs.


My girlfriend encounters similar problems when she's trying to apply lippy when I'm driving. :D

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