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Tim Peake ISS launch a hoax?

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Usually in these cases it's best to follow the money.


Where did the funding come from for this project?


"NASA's 2015 budget would remain essentially flat at $17.5 billion under a White House spending proposal unveiled today (March 4) that would hold the line on the agency's biggest space programs while laying the groundwork for major new astrophysics and planetary science missions."


17.5 Billion is quite an incentive. Jeez, to think what good could be done with that.




Its a very interesting argument follow the money.


So you believe Nasa is a big fraud and the people at Nasa are there pretending to go to space and work.


What about all the other programs and departments are they a fraud as well? What have you financial investigations revealed?

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I watched the live launch on 'This Morning" (my wife watches it) when they cut back to the studio, the look of bewilderment on Phil and Holly's face was a picture.

Maybe like me they'd noticed the two astronauts were obviously not experiencing the G forces expected if sat in a rocket hurtling into space and no sign of vibration seen on the internal camera.

The two are sat effortlessly writing notes throughout the launch, on the live feed Tim lifts his head, smiles and waves to camera when according to the commentary they are travelling at over 4700 mph. I've since seen a clip from ch4 news where they claimed he made the gesture when he was no longer under velocity, but that conflicts with what was shown in the live launch.

Last night I watched a documentary on BBC iPlayer about Tim's "journey" to becoming an astronaut, in that they discuss G force on reentry but not on take off, one previous visitor to the ISS does mention the vibration on take off though.


In short I'm saying it would be impossible to sit and write notes so effortlessly if at all during a rocket launch. With G force, vibration, adrenaline, the instinct to cling on for dear life. I'm sure if Tim is in space, he didn't go in that rocket.


Launch video.


This one he does the headlift and wave at around 4.10 and the speed is stated as over 4700 mph



Is there any scientific achievement that you don't think is a hoax?

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I watched the live launch on 'This Morning" (my wife watches it) when they cut back to the studio, the look of bewilderment on Phil and Holly's face was a picture.

Maybe like me they'd noticed the two astronauts were obviously not experiencing the G forces expected if sat in a rocket hurtling into space and no sign of vibration seen on the internal camera.

The two are sat effortlessly writing notes throughout the launch, on the live feed Tim lifts his head, smiles and waves to camera when according to the commentary they are travelling at over 4700 mph. I've since seen a clip from ch4 news where they claimed he made the gesture when he was no longer under velocity, but that conflicts with what was shown in the live launch.

Last night I watched a documentary on BBC iPlayer about Tim's "journey" to becoming an astronaut, in that they discuss G force on reentry but not on take off, one previous visitor to the ISS does mention the vibration on take off though.


In short I'm saying it would be impossible to sit and write notes so effortlessly if at all during a rocket launch. With G force, vibration, adrenaline, the instinct to cling on for dear life. I'm sure if Tim is in space, he didn't go in that rocket.


Launch video.


This one he does the headlift and wave at around 4.10 and the speed is stated as over 4700 mph



Oh for goodness' sake, get a grip. I did O level physics and I understand it, why don't you? I suspect it's completely wilful on your part.


What the hell would be the point of a hoax anyway?

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Is there any scientific achievement that you don't think is a hoax?


We are all being lied to anyway, its just This Morning, Holly Willoughy and Phillip Schofield being criminal master minds. You cant trust the media, much better to go to someones conspiracy website and find the truth. Follow the money. Its all about oil.

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We are all being lied to anyway, its just This Morning, Holly Willoughy and Phillip Schofield being criminal master minds. You cant trust the media, much better to go to someones conspiracy website and find the truth. Follow the money. Its all about oil.


I remember that there used to be a website with a forum that was dedicated to informing the masses about the hoax of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. It was fantastically funning and gave you a real insight into the mind of a conspiracy theorist.

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Thanks for your input everybody. I take everything on board about the velocity and camera shake etc , i'd considered it anyway.camera shake technology does reduce shake but wouldn't eliminate it altogether, and anyway if you look at the pad of paper in the his hand you can see they're not been shaken about at all


0:34 seconds onwards in the first video you posted a link to. What's the pad of paper doing?

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