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Assistance with reasons.

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Many of you in the run up to the general election will have seen my posts and know that I am anti EU and a kipper. In prior elections I never took much interest in politics as I judged them all the same but this last GE awakened an interest which resulted in me enrolling in the Open Universtity and studying towards a degree in Politics. After the Xmas holidays I have to deliver an essay which I titled Changing attitudes towards Brexit. Herein is the problem, I can find plenty of people who are in favour of leaving but none who will openly admit to wanting to stay. I would therefore ask if there are any voters wanting to stay who would give me their reasons as to why in a few brief points. They can do this on this thread or by pm if they do not want to openly admit it. All replies would be confidential and I do not want this to become a debate via this thread on which result would be right. I would also like to particularly hear from people from the south or other areas to ascertain if there are regional variations. I know there are plenty of opinion polls out there but as with all polls the results can be skewed to give whichever result is required by the poll takers. Manu thanks for your time in reading this.

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