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WANTED: Female Kitten


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Ooh dear, our Tom's wee has very little difference in odor to our Females :confused: the full Toms that pee all over our walls and garden however really stink!


My OH's male kitten definetly has a stronger odour than all the female cats I have owned. He doesn't spray, although he's only 5 months old and entire still. His litter tray can stink after just a day.

He is the friendliest cat I have ever met, incredibly loving. His favourite thing is to try and lay on my head or neck while I am trying to sleep :rolleyes:

He is very greedy though, he can have a bulging tummy but still tries to get in the bin to scavenge for leftovers. I thought cats were supposed to only eat as much as they need?

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My OH's male kitten definetly has a stronger odour than all the female cats I have owned. He doesn't spray, although he's only 5 months old and entire still. His litter tray can stink after just a day.

He is the friendliest cat I have ever met, incredibly loving. His favourite thing is to try and lay on my head or neck while I am trying to sleep :rolleyes:

He is very greedy though, he can have a bulging tummy but still tries to get in the bin to scavenge for leftovers. I thought cats were supposed to only eat as much as they need?


You are supposed to remove soiled litter ASAP and empty the tray at least every 24 hours. I have a house cat so change and disinfect the litter tray twice a day.


I have to have a very high sided litter tray as my (male) cat wees in a standing position. He has never sprayed anything though and he used to share the house with a 'normal' outdoor cat.


Has the cat got worms or is it just greedy? My brother used to have a greedy ginger Tom. It had a special diet (from the vet) as he was always wanting to eat and he was too fat. He used to shred and eat polythene if it had food odour on it. My brother couldn't leave anything food related where the cat might get it.

Edited by Chez2
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My OH's male kitten definetly has a stronger odour than all the female cats I have owned. He doesn't spray, although he's only 5 months old and entire still. His litter tray can stink after just a day.

He is the friendliest cat I have ever met, incredibly loving. His favourite thing is to try and lay on my head or neck while I am trying to sleep :rolleyes:

He is very greedy though, he can have a bulging tummy but still tries to get in the bin to scavenge for leftovers. I thought cats were supposed to only eat as much as they need?


Aww :) I meant that they dont smell bad after they have been neutered though.

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You are supposed to remove soiled litter ASAP and empty the tray at least every 24 hours. I have a house cat so change and disinfect the litter tray twice a day.


I have to have a very high sided litter tray as my (male) cat wees in a standing position. He has never sprayed anything though and he used to share the house with a 'normal' outdoor cat.


Has the cat got worms or is it just greedy? My brother used to have a greedy ginger Tom. It had a special diet (from the vet) as he was always wanting to eat and he was too fat. He used to shred and eat polythene if it had food odour on it. My brother couldn't leave anything food related where the cat might get it.


The tray gets emptied every few days, I try to clean up the worst bits once a day at least. That used to fine with my female cat, but his tray smells bad after one pee. And kitty has to christen the tray literally as soon as the litter goes in!

He's going to the vets tomorrow for his first jabs, so will get some worming tablets then, just in case. He just seems really greedy, we've even upped his food recently. He's a slender black kitty with brown eyes and looks like a tiny panther, very cute :)

I tthink he needs to start exploring outside soon, he is absolutely insane this morning. I'm looking after the dog as well and he won't leave the poor thing alone. They chase each other and playfight, its funny to watch.

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Ive had four cats together all house cats and I have never had a problem.I have always kept their litter tray spotless I clean it out as many times as I need to in a day. The tray needs to be kept clean because cats wont use a dirty tray also I wouldnt want to live with a smelly tray. I am now down to one cat and I still do the tray a couple of times a day. I also have had no problems with spraying my sister in law had two females that both sprayed

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