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Background music. Good or bad?

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I think that the point is that "background music" should be just that, in the background, if its drowning out conversation then its way to loud.


I don't mind it at all so long as its not intrusive, I quite like it if I'm shopping and the music is cheerful.

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I feel sorry for the staff being blasted with the same old crap through the speakers every day. When I worked in a cinema as a student I used to bring my CDs in for the projectionist to play into the auditoria. Staff selecting the music from their own collections, that's the way forward (after screening out the One Direction and Bieber fans, of course).

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Background music is there for a few reasons...


The type of music played, can affect what products customers buy, and can affect a customers mood..


Background music is also there because without it, the background noise would be chaotic and sound even louder than if there was no music, music is a recognisable noise to everyone (whether they like music or not) and our minds filter out lots of the other noises and focuses on the music more, making the whole experience a little less chaotic.


have you ever been in a busy shop without music? it's horrible...... :S

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I feel sorry for the staff being blasted with the same old crap through the speakers every day. When I worked in a cinema as a student I used to bring my CDs in for the projectionist to play into the auditoria. Staff selecting the music from their own collections, that's the way forward (after screening out the One Direction and Bieber fans, of course).


Here here. I worked as a waiter in a hotel as a nipper and the resaurant played the same Carpenters CD on loop for two years, nearly drove me mad.

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I think 'background' music is alright in certain shops as long as it's not too loud. However in book shops and card shops I hate it. It's so distracting that I can't hear myself think.


That's the main problem I find francypants. Maplins used to be the worst. I would be in there trying to think and discuss technical stuff with loud music banging out. It's still there but they have cranked it down a bit.

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Background music is okay but not if it is too loud.


Restaurants do not need music unless it is to distract from the food as in

some fast food emporiums.


International restaurants should also shy away from their traditional music as it

can be off putting.

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