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Naked Rambler - What's wrong with walking around nude?

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Do you have young daughters ?

If so, lets see how YOU react when they are confronted by a naked man in the street...


I think most people, if anyone, naked or clothed, 'confronted' their young daughters in the street, would be inclined to attract help from the law, or, if the 'confrontation' was severe, incapacitate the assailant.


In contrast, if, as per the subject of this thread, there was merely a naked man walking down the street, most sane members of the public would simply wander past, trying to look like they're not paying attention.


Any that assaulted him, would be advised to prepare for getting arrested and charged.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 17:54 ----------


Tell you what, here's a social experiment for you.

Walk around the city centre naked on a Saturday afternoon, and lets see how long it is before you have had the crap kicked out of you.


Must be wrong then, if the general shopping public react with violence to it :loopy:


How about a black person walking into a Klan meet in the last century- they'd get lynched and hung on the spot. Would you be celebrating that one as well?

Edited by onewheeldave
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Oh for....you know what, when people think that a naked man walking down the street does NO HARM TO CHILDREN, I know this country is royally stuffed.


What the hell is wrong with you people :suspect:


Maybe he DOES have the right to do it, thats why I suggested a naturist club or something similar, but walking down the high street is hardly the right place.


This country has gone to the dogs. Where I grew up in the seventies, if someone did this, they would probably have had a beating from the police before being sectioned.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 18:11 ----------


I think most people, if anyone, naked or clothed, 'confronted' their young daughters in the street, would be inclined to attract help from the law, or, if the 'confrontation' was severe, incapacitate the assailant.


In contrast, if, as per the subject of this thread, there was merely a naked man walking down the street, most sane members of the public would simply wander past, trying to look like they're not paying attention.


Any that assaulted him, would be advised to prepare for getting arrested and charged.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 17:54 ----------


Must be wrong then, if the general shopping public react with violence to it :loopy:


How about a black person walking into a Klan meet in the last century- they'd get lynched and hung on the spot. Would you be celebrating that one as well?


And just what has that got to do with the subject being discussed ?

There is no comparison...and just for the record, I totally disagree with racism & segregation.

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Oh for....you know what, when people think that a naked man walking down the street does NO HARM TO CHILDREN, I know this country is royally stuffed.

To my knowledge there's not a single recorded instance of a naked rambler abusing a child.


As I'm sure you're aware, the vast majority of child abuse happens in the family, or in institutions (the catholic church, care homes etc).


I'd prefer the limited resources available for tackling child abuse, to be directed towards the places where the majority of abuse takes place. Wouldn't you?


I'd prefer that attention isn't misdirected towards places where there is zero evidence or occurance of child abuse. Wouldn't you?

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Oh for....you know what, when people think that a naked man walking down the street does NO HARM TO CHILDREN, I know this country is royally stuffed.


What the hell is wrong with you people :suspect:


Maybe he DOES have the right to do it, thats why I suggested a naturist club or something similar, but walking down the high street is hardly the right place.


This country has gone to the dogs. Where I grew up in the seventies, if someone did this, they would probably have had a beating from the police before being sectioned.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 18:11 ----------




And just what has that got to do with the subject being discussed ?

There is no comparison...and just for the record, I totally disagree with racism & segregation.


Streaking originated in Britain several hundred years ago, its always been regarded as a bit of a giggle and not a mind shattering life changing horror for any youngsters in the crowd.


I would be far more concerned about the fact that kids today can access unlimitted amounts of hard core porn of every concievable and often abusivd nature on their phones than that there is a fractional chance they may see a chaps flacid todger while he's out yomping.

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And just what has that got to do with the subject being discussed ?

There is no comparison...and just for the record, I totally disagree with racism & segregation.


Good. I've not suggested you are racist. I was simply refuting your line of argument suggesting that because a person has been beaten to a pulp by enraged members of the public, that said person was in the wrong.

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Well, if you think its ok for people to walk around naked where there are children, thats up to you..


Personally, I think theres something VERY wrong with it.


1. Why do these people keep getting arrested? there only appears to be one of "these" people.

2 He was convicted for breaking an asbo against being naked. he then got firther time for contempt of court.


There is no history of him harassing, confronting or approaching anyone, nevermind children.

Presumably if he did then he would be arrested and convicted of the other crimes as they would then be appropriate. I wouldnt want that either if he was being a nuiscance.


I do think its odd you would go and assault him if he was minding his own business because you felt threatened he was naked.

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Well, if you think its ok for people to walk around naked where there are children, thats up to you..


Personally, I think theres something VERY wrong with it.




What exactly is it about being naked that somehow threatens children?


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 19:20 ----------


Actually i find no issue at all, i just find it strange that people defend a total stranger for something which he hasn't been locked up for(being naked) and also find it impossible to actually say how they would feel if they or there OH were confronted by someone exposing themselves in public.

Being naked is not "exposing themselves". The very language you use is telling in my opinion.

I have no problem saying how I would feel. To be clear, uninterested is that answer.


Only recently a guy in Liverpool was arrested under the same 2004 law outside a primary school - should he be allowed to do so in your opinion.(the last time someone asked you that you answered it with a question).

Would that be because it was asked itself in response to my question... Yes, yes it would.

I suspect that the guy in Liverpool was not simply walking past a school whilst on a naked ramble was he?


Regarding the law for some reason people were bleating on about Victorian values and the yet the law is a modern one,just informing people.


It isn't though, it's a Victorian law, which had a minor revision in 2004.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 19:21 ----------


So you'd quite happily sit down naked on a bus seat where a naked person had been sitting with a transmittable disease.


What kind of transmittable diseases do you think are held in by a pair of shorts and a t-shirt?

You're at a pretty low level of scare mongering if you think that clothing stops the spread of VD.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 19:22 ----------


Even if he's sane, and even if it's not a big deal, he has broken the law.

A law is binding whether the accused likes it or not.

You might not like 30mph speed limits in built-up areas; and a sane person deliberately breaking them is not a big deal. But you are bound by them, just as Mr Gough is bound by the law precluding his habitual unclothedness.


And we are discussing why that law is outdated and ridiculous.


---------- Post added 25-12-2015 at 19:22 ----------


Is it just me, or does anyone else find the number of people who think its ok for this man to wander about naked in front of other peoples kids a bit disturbing ?


I'm a bit disturbed by your apparent predilection towards violence and assault. I think you're more of a danger to society than someone who wants to walk about naked.

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