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Naked Rambler - What's wrong with walking around nude?

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By your own admission you can't be bothered to read what posters say ,

Err, what?

Quote me saying that then.

so it's no surprise you have missed my explanation of what I mean by 'family values' . It's also no surprise you have no understanding of common decency when you imply that God who created mankind , the sun and moon as well as clothing Adam and Eve is a mythical figure .

Oh dear. Is that the strength of your argument?


---------- Post added 30-12-2015 at 14:55 ----------


J.S.Mill provided us with a rough yardstick with which to assess the acceptability of public behaviour and speech by individuals, i.e. people should be able to do what they want and say what they want, providing their actions or statements do not adversely affect others. For example, shouting 'fire' for no good reason in a crowded theatre is clearly unacceptable. Freedom to punch someone would also be deemed inadmissable under this basic principle.


However, in the case of the Naked Rambler, the key issue has focused on whether or not nakedness in public is in itself offensive. We can argue until the cows come home on this point.


However, I don't think that this is the most important issue in this case. The really important issue is whether or not an individual should be able to flout the law with impunity. I say not. Otherwise, we would all be able to pick and choose which laws we intend to obey.


We are arguing here that the law is wrong. (Not that there is any specific law against nudity though, as we've established).

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Coincidentally, yesterday there was a BBC Radio 4 programme on just this topic. It's called "Late Night Woman's Hour: Naked for New Year". The BBC blurb tells us that:

Lauren Laverne and guests discuss getting naked for New Year. Intimate, late night conversation on why the naked body still has the power to shock. With Inna Shevchenko, leader of the international feminist organisation FEMEN; Miss Glory Pearl , the naked stand-up comedian; Vikke Dark feminist academic and ex-model who now campaigns against the 'glamour' industry; Shahida Bari, lecturer in Romanticism at Queen Mary University in London, whose latest book is about the philosophy of clothes; and Natasha Porter - photographer and organiser of the World Naked Bike Ride.

(But not Mr Gough, so there).


You can listen to it on the i-player at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06snvwt

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Its totally insane...........


It's insane in the UK- as seen on this thread, the authorities will spend serious amounts of taxpayers money in imprisoning a person purely for being naked.


Why do you think the USA is more uptight?

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  • 3 months later...
It's insane in the UK- as seen on this thread, the authorities will spend serious amounts of taxpayers money in imprisoning a person purely for being naked.


Why do you think the USA is more uptight?


Not sure why, but over the years when I've been on YouTube I notice that the most outrageous violence and foul language barely raises an eyebrow; but the sight of someone's genitals works people up into a rage....:huh:

It makes no sense to me at all.


No idea why, or even if the USA is more uptight. I suspect many ordinary Americans are like the British, or continental Europeans in that they're a lot more mature than their leaders or 'moral guardians' would suggest.

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Absolutely not last thing i want to see wen i walk to shop in morning for a pint of milk and paper is some guys junk bouncing round the corner


And do you know what, i'm the complete opposite!


I'd love nothing more than seeing a guys junk bounce around whilst i was buying my morning paper and milk! Just think of all the giggles you could have :D

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