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Amazon Supplier Location and International Sites

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To make my life a little easier, I thought I would make some online purchases to be delivered in other countries as Christmas Gifts.


This was to save me the job of purchasing, wrapping and posting from here.


I took the step of logging onto the country specific Amazon site, making the assumption that local supply would be quicker and possibly cheaper than shipping from over here.


A few clicks and a bit of typing and the job was done. Great stuff!


Upon tracking parcels after being sent dispatch notices, I now see that more than one of these gifts are being shipped from England!


These are not purchases from Amazon but from Amazon Marketplace suppliers and I guess it would behove me to dig a bit deeper next time.


By purchasing on the foreign website, I have paid in a foreign currency that will be converted before it hits my card bill. My guess is that it could well have been cheaper for me to have made an online purchase from the UK site for overseas delivery.


I am not worried or upset and the money involved will not put the kids in the workhouse, but it has been an eye-opener that I thought might be worth sharing.


Merry Christmas to all our readers.

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