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Boxing day hunt in Sheffield area

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thats good news....

but i am sure i watched a video the other day where they were chasing a fox and then the dogs ripped it to bits, i must have got mixed up then?


That will have been before it was banned, you don't seem to be very well informed about something you are so passionate about.

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cause trouble, or help uphold the law?, its clear where you stand on the subject then :huh: quite happy to see foxs ripped apart ?

Your assumptions about me are wrong, as usual. I'm not really bothered one way or another.

But, foxes ARE vermin and kill for the sake of it. Ask any farmer. But you won't because you and your sanctimonious, narrow minded kind are only interested in your own over inflated opinions.

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That was an enquiry asking if anyone attended these events :huh:

i would hardly say enquiring made me passionate about fox hunting :huh:

on another thread i also enquired about turnips, but i wouldnt say i was passionate about turnips either :huh:


If you also consider turnips to be vile I would suggest you was also passionate about those, hopefully you know more about turnips than you do the working of a modern day hunt meeting.

You seem to scratch your head a lot have you got nits?

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