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Boxing day hunt in Sheffield area

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Your assumptions about me are wrong, as usual. I'm not really bothered one way or another.

But, foxes ARE vermin and kill for the sake of it. Ask any farmer. But you won't because you and your sanctimonious, narrow minded kind are only interested in your own over inflated opinions.

eh, what...where has all that come from?

wow, you are quick to jump to conclusions, you know nothing about me or my views :mad:

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you always know when they are beaten when they correct your spelling lol


Never try to start a bonfire with a fire extinguisher.:roll:.

Better to keep mouth closed and look stupid than open mouth and remove all doubt.:).

Like I said earlier stick to the turnips.:D.

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Never try to start a bonfire with a fire extinguisher.:roll:.

Better to keep mouth closed and look stupid than open mouth and remove all doubt.:).

Like I said earlier stick to the turnips.:D.


wow....great thought out reply, if you have any more pearls of wisdom, please dont hesitate to share them with us all :hihi:

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