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UK flooding again

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I didn't say you was uneducated, I said "Thats the kind of nonsense question I expect from the uneducated".



I think you mean "I didn't say you were uneducated".


And your implication was quite clear. There's no point trying to wriggle out of it.


The reality is that you're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about.


You've listened to one side of the debate from one or more of the lunatic green activist groups and decided to declare it unimpeachable fact without checking it out. The reality of the Earth eco-system and human interaction with it is far more complicated that you actually think.


Consider what the world would actually be like if we only listened to the views of environmental activists. Look with an open mind at the rational arguments of those who disagree. Think about it for yourself.

I know it's attractive to pick somebody who sounds convincing and assume that they're right about everything, but they're not. Nobody has all of the answers and no solution is perfect.

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So the Irish government think that EU law forbids (or at least severely inhibits) the dredging of rivers as well.

I'm starting to think that there are 2 interpretations of the EU directive in play here.

1: tzijlstra's interpretation

2: the interpretation of absolutely everybody else on earth.


I've had enough of this nonsense.


The water directive by the EU deals with maintaining waterways, ensuring a good fresh water supply for the future and NOT using them as dumping grounds for chemical waste. Nowhere does it state you can not maintain waterways.


Since that directive came into force properly the following things have happened in Sheffield and surrounding areas:


The Sheffield Floods 2007 - not attributable to 'dredging rivers' but plain and simple stupid water management. Read all about it in this report: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/292924/geho1107bnmi-e-e.pdf - especially 4.2.7 is a corker, it explains why dredging rivers is happening less and less and it does not mention the EU or the directive at any point. Turns out dredging rivers was a waste of time and money, this has been known for years by the way, the EA publicly stated numerous times that the only reason they dredge certain rivers now is for public perception.


In the meantime that horrible directive that comes from that horrible EU is having a massive impact on the water quality of our rivers:




But carry on blaming the EU, as I have said before, it is so much easier than actually taking responsibility.

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Throughout most of human history we lived sustainabley and in harmony with the environment, in our more recent history we have been systematically destroying the environment. In the past few years we have started to bring rivers back to life after almost kiling them with polution.


We've been managing our environment for thousands of years and our standard of living keeps rising.


Any return of nature is in on very small scale; animals often ravage the environment that they live in. Its just that in our case, people have become too large in number, and the earth is struggling to stay healthy.


:hihi: :hihi:

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I think you mean "I didn't say you were uneducated".


And your implication was quite clear. There's no point trying to wriggle out of it.


The reality is that you're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about.


You've listened to one side of the debate from one or more of the lunatic green activist groups and decided to declare it unimpeachable fact without checking it out. The reality of the Earth eco-system and human interaction with it is far more complicated that you actually think.


Consider what the world would actually be like if we only listened to the views of environmental activists. Look with an open mind at the rational arguments of those who disagree. Think about it for yourself.

I know it's attractive to pick somebody who sounds convincing and assume that they're right about everything, but they're not. Nobody has all of the answers and no solution is perfect.


Say anything about over population and the uneducated usualy respond with "when are you going to kill yourself" it wasn't something I expected from you based on some your previouse posts, hence they reason I said "Thats the kind of nonsense question I expect from the uneducated"


---------- Post added 31-12-2015 at 15:25 ----------


Well if that's what you want to think please feel free.


Its not what I want to think, but it is the impression I got from your post. If that is not what you meant then I am left clueless as to what you did mean.


It would be much better if we all discussed the topic, but it seems some would rather distract from the topic by asking me to kill myself and stop using a computer.

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OK. The only person who is not "understanding" what is written is you. Now either you are in fact a lot denser than everyone thinks, or you are choosing to wifully misunderstand to avoid addressing the issue.


Either way, I really am not interesting in debating the matter with you.

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Say anything about over population and the uneducated usualy respond with "when are you going to kill yourself" it wasn't something I expected from you based on some your previouse posts, hence they reason I said "Thats the kind of nonsense question I expect from the uneducated"


You refuse to address the question of how the human population is to be reduced.

Short of killing, or allowing to be killed, a very great number of people how are we to go about it?


Uneducated greens routinely say that there are too many people without addressing the matter of how this is to be corrected.

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