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UK flooding again

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The countries that over consume are the countries that need to reduce their population size, we are such a country.


Imigration contributes to global over population and global over consumption.


Define "over consume".


Are you proposing that we close our borders? Perhaps start ejecting people?

If so, I think you just lost most of your potential supporters.

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If we are producing more food than the planet needs and 795 million people are starving http://m.wfp.org/hunger/stats , somebody somewhere is consuming too much.


That's been happening since god was a lad.

The problem is not one of production, but distribution.


Let's see how much food we manage to produce and distribute when we're not allowed to use fossil fuels any more.

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That's been happening since god was a lad.

The problem is not one of production, but distribution.


Let's see how much food we manage to produce and distribute when we're not allowed to use fossil fuels any more.


Do you think in 2015 we should have a global economy built on burning old trees?

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I've had enough of this nonsense.


The water directive by the EU deals with maintaining waterways, ensuring a good fresh water supply for the future and NOT using them as dumping grounds for chemical waste. Nowhere does it state you can not maintain waterways.


Since that directive came into force properly the following things have happened in Sheffield and surrounding areas:


The Sheffield Floods 2007 - not attributable to 'dredging rivers' but plain and simple stupid water management. Read all about it in this report: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/292924/geho1107bnmi-e-e.pdf - especially 4.2.7 is a corker, it explains why dredging rivers is happening less and less and it does not mention the EU or the directive at any point. Turns out dredging rivers was a waste of time and money, this has been known for years by the way, the EA publicly stated numerous times that the only reason they dredge certain rivers now is for public perception.


In the meantime that horrible directive that comes from that horrible EU is having a massive impact on the water quality of our rivers:




But carry on blaming the EU, as I have said before, it is so much easier than actually taking responsibility.




I could afford and I bought a house not on flood pain. Not everybody has that luxury. The EA is clearly in bed with the EU on this one. Like most QUANGOs. Even they say that they're not dredging because of the EU directive.



---------- Post added 31-12-2015 at 18:06 ----------




Are you saying that we dont over consume, and we could carry on using the earths resources as we are?


Broadly, yes. New technologies are on the horizon which will use different and more abundant resources so our consumption of dwindling resources will naturally tail off.


---------- Post added 31-12-2015 at 18:10 ----------


Do you think in 2015 we should have a global economy built on burning old trees?


Would you prefer burning new trees? It's called biomass and the greens are generally all in favour of it. :loopy:

Do you think that the poor people of the world will continue to see their standard of living improve if this is not allowed?

Do you think that the poor people of the UK will be okay if we only have extremely expensive, intermittent electricity from wind and such?


I'd prefer to run it on fission, but we lost that argument a while ago amid ignorant panic from the greens of the day. Except in France of course.

Edited by unbeliever
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Define "over consume".


Are you proposing that we close our borders? Perhaps start ejecting people?

If so, I think you just lost most of your potential supporters.


Overconsumption is a situation where resource use has outpaced the sustainable capacity of the ecosystem. A prolonged pattern of overconsumption leads to inevitable environmental degradation and the eventual loss of resource bases.

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You're clever, how big does the global population have to get before its unsustainable?


Rather depends on what sort of a lifestyle we want. If you want to live like we do in the UK it'll be a lot smaller than if you live in a cave and eat yoghurt and grains....


There are some reasonable numbers and guesses out there but at the moment we are using about 2 and a bit Earths worth of resources.

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I don't know. I'm not that clever.

But our ability to produce food is rising faster than our population.


At a huge cost to the environment, the rate at which we are producing food is unsustainable because it is using water, soil and energy faster than it is being replenished. Producing that much food is one of the reasons we are seeing climate change, which is the primory cause of the floods.

Edited by carlbadboy
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