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UK flooding again

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Very true. I also remember when councils used to invest in dredging the river beds too. The only time I have seen it done in Sheffield was after our flood and then as soon as the shouting subsided they stopped again. I don't suppose York is any different.


Dredging damages a rivers ecosystem so isn't the best way to deal with the problem, the EU water framework directive also places constraints on the dredging of rivers.

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I have someone to blame in the York area. The Police.


And that is what this discussion is for, for you to air your views. If we have a major **** up, we need to know what went wrong, in order to prevent it from happening again.

carlbadboy said - "more than half of flood plain residents believed they were “not at all at risk” of flooding".


Perhaps the most help that can be given, is advanced warning; I assume that is the job of the EA.

Teachers do not take holidays in term time, it makes the news when heads take holidays in term time. If your organisation is run very well, then perhaps a leader can be away from work at a critical time, but the resulted flood indicate a EA with much to do.

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And that is what this discussion is for, for you to air your views. If we have a major **** up, we need to know what went wrong, in order to prevent it from happening again.

carlbadboy said - "more than half of flood plain residents believed they were “not at all at risk” of flooding".


Perhaps the most help that can be given, is advanced warning; I assume that is the job of the EA.

Teachers do not take holidays in term time, it makes the news when heads take holidays in term time. If your organisation is run very well, then perhaps a leader can be away from work at a critical time, but the resulted flood indicate a EA with much to do.


The rains can't be stopped and the resulting floods can't be prevented even if the top man stays at work instead of taking an holiday.

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Very true. I also remember when councils used to invest in dredging the river beds too. The only time I have seen it done in Sheffield was after our flood and then as soon as the shouting subsided they stopped again. I don't suppose York is any different.


If we'd been hit the same way as in 2007 we'd have been in the same trouble as Leeds was last week.


Our local councils got lucky because the intense rain band passed about 20 miles north of Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster.

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The EA spokesman couldn't have been clearer. Current measures aren't working as well as they could and we need to rethink.


As unbeliever pointed out that does not necessarily mean throwing ever more cash at building defences. Doing that is the easy way out and you can see the results in Cameron's responses where he doesn't comprehend that the fact he may have spent more money doesn't make it OK when the money has been spent on the wrong things in the wrong places.[/QUOTE]


Sounds similar to our overseas development fund.

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I have someone to blame in the York area. The Police.

Yesterday and today, the York constabulary decided it was more important to utilise their men as speed monitors on the A64, whilst people in the North Yorkshire area were left swilling their homes out with buckets, alongside volunteers.

Why do the authorities assume this flooding is not as devastating as other human tragedy? There should be every spare penny of aid money channelled into this and the assistance of the emergency services, including the police at every opportunity, not standing at the side of a dual carriageway issuing speeding tickets.

Any monies set aside for foreign aid should be used to help these people, and used to build infrastructure to avoid it happening again. I'm sure there will be arguments against this, but this country and its government has really got problems with helping the very people that fund them.


What should the police do? Stand in front of the water and tell it to go away or they will arrest it? It didnt work Canute did it.


Honestly some people... lol...


---------- Post added 29-12-2015 at 21:20 ----------


News has just reported that Tadcaster bridge has collapsed and ruptured the gas main....


Oh well. More wet weather tomorrow as well :(

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Dredging damages a rivers ecosystem so isn't the best way to deal with the problem, the EU water framework directive also places constraints on the dredging of rivers.


And there you have it. As I pointed out in post #2, the EU has mandated that the EA prioritise protecting the ecosystem over protection peoples' homes.


I expect some of you agree with this, but you have to recognise that this is what happened.

Want to know why we've had so many homes flooded since 2000? Look to the EU.

There's no point blaming the Council, the government, the EA or even somehow the police. The EU on behalf of the green movement did this to us. If you're a supporter of the EU and/or an unmitigated supporter of the green movement, I hope you're pleased.

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And there you have it. As I pointed out in post #2, the EU has mandated that the EA prioritise protecting the ecosystem over protection peoples' homes.


I expect some of you agree with this, but you have to recognise that this is what happened.

Want to know why we've had so many homes flooded since 2000? Look to the EU.

There's no point blaming the Council, the government, the EA or even somehow the police. The EU on behalf of the green movement did this to us. If you're a supporter of the EU and/or an unmitigated supporter of the green movement, I hope you're pleased.


There's an argument in the Guardian today that backs up much of what you are saying.


Not sure about the Green angle though. The subsidies seem to have been used to kill off biodiversity in some areas, e.g. the moors above Hebden Bridge becoming optimised for game shooting.

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What should the police do? Stand in front of the water and tell it to go away or they will arrest it? It didnt work Canute did it.


Honestly some people... lol...


---------- Post added 29-12-2015 at 21:20 ----------


News has just reported that Tadcaster bridge has collapsed and ruptured the gas main....


Oh well. More wet weather tomorrow as well :(


No, that would be as ridiculous as your "some people" analogy, because some people actually care.

But they could be there helping people mop up or remove sodden furniture or any other task, even just moral support, not doing the job of a fixed camera.

I take it if it were it your home, you could sort it yourself?

Maybe not, eh?

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