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UK flooding again

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The EA are using the EU directive to justify their inaction. How do you explain the bridge that collapsed in Tadcaster being reported as 'being weak for years', that is sod all to do with the EU, that is just poor government planning.


The EU also does categorically not forbid river dredging, again, that is local implementation. In my example of Grijpskerk it is the two rivers that were dredged and provided with more outlet.


There is a culture of blaming the EU for everything in British government, the sooner you wake up to that, the more obvious it will become.


And there are those who really don't care too much about the technical ins and outs, but are far more concerned with the clean up and the hope that the UK GOVERNMENT will step up to the plate and get the issues of future flooding sorted. Don't think the views of the EU are very high on the victims priority list.

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I don't think triple monthly average rainfall is unusual, it can happen. Why do we keep blaming the weather while the real reason things went wrong is lack of maintenance and prevention.


Triple monthly rainfall on one day is exceedingly unusual. If you had been in Cumbria during it you would appreciate that there is very little you can do when a small stream rolls tens of thousands of tons of rock down towards you.

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This recently updated document by the Flood Prevention Society clearly points the finger at a "no dredging culture" within the Environmental Agency - nothing to do with EU directives.




EU or EA policy either way it's a good policy.


Traders want rivers to be dredged despite EU rules






Edited by carlbadboy
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EU or EA policy either way it's a good policy.


Traders want rivers to be dredged despite EU rules







Farmers are still allowed to dredge drainage channels to keep their land from flooding. The problem is that accelerates water run-off and pushes the problem downstream into urban areas.

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EU or EA policy either way it's a good policy.


Traders want rivers to be dredged despite EU rules







So the Irish government think that EU law forbids (or at least severely inhibits) the dredging of rivers as well.

I'm starting to think that there are 2 interpretations of the EU directive in play here.

1: tzijlstra's interpretation

2: the interpretation of absolutely everybody else on earth.

Edited by unbeliever
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perhaps we need to direct the foreign aid budget and the budget for asylum seekers to our own problems with flooding?? why should our citizens year after year have to put up with this?? at the moment its a sticking plaster to cover huge wounds.

Excellent post agree 101%


---------- Post added 30-12-2015 at 22:49 ----------


Stop overseas aid and divert the £Billions to needs/causes in the UK.

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Wow, some of you lot are "special". To the people who complain about the UK spend on foreign aid and how it should be spent at home instead. Well the simple answer is, it can't! The UK is commited to spending 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid as its commitment to UN development as it is enshrined into law.


If you are stupid enough to live on a flood plain. Well, you run the risk and shouldn't really be complaining when it happens.

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Wow, some of you lot are "special". To the people who complain about the UK spend on foreign aid and how it should be spent at home instead. Well the simple answer is, it can't! The UK is commited to spending 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid as its commitment to UN development as it is enshrined into law.


If you are stupid enough to live on a flood plain. Well, you run the risk and shouldn't really be complaining when it happens.


The flood risk should be pointed out every time a house is newly rented or sold. I do have sympathy for many, because these were exceptional floods caused by record rainfall.

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perhaps we need to direct the foreign aid budget and the budget for asylum seekers to our own problems with flooding?? why should our citizens year after year have to put up with this?? at the moment its a sticking plaster to cover huge wounds.


Why take it out on the asylum seekers?

These Syrian ones are even helping out= http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-flooding-syrian-refugees-help-build-flood-defences-near-manchester-to-give-something-back-a6790421.html

Edited by mafya
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