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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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It's going to be a racist, sexist, classist purge no less.


He'll end up with a Shadow Cabinet of 1930's style socialist white lower middle class men who hate everything that isn't like them, and Diane Abbot who hates everything but allows the white lower middle class men to feel better about themselves.

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And for those that think that Corbyn could match him in a debate you're obviously deluded :hihi:


Oh, you must be one of those that just hears the spin and the slick pre scripted answers that are totally irrelevant to the question asked, have you never noticed he never answers a direct question? he was asked one question about six times and still couldnt answer it, instead he starts to ramble on about needing a strong economy etc, regardless of what the question was, most people are too stupid to realise what he does, they just hear his snide put downs whilst he looks behind him for the rabble to cheer on the school bully...the thing is, we all know what happens when the school bully is confronted without his gang..

On a one to one debate with Corbyn he would be made to look feeble, thats why the debate will not happen.

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Oh, you must be one of those that just hears the spin and the slick pre scripted answers that are totally irrelevant to the question asked, have you never noticed he never answers a direct question? he was asked one question about six times and still couldnt answer it, instead he starts to ramble on about needing a strong economy etc, regardless of what the question was, most people are too stupid to realise what he does, they just hear his snide put downs whilst he looks behind him for the rabble to cheer on the school bully...the thing is, we all know what happens when the school bully is confronted without his gang..

On a one to one debate with Corbyn he would be made to look feeble, thats why the debate will not happen.


Yes it must be shocking to you that all those folk who you consider too stupid to think are allowed to vote. But its good that we have you to point out all the things we missed. All you need to do now is convince all those stupid folk to become communists and your boy will romp it. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Yes it must be shocking to you that all those folk who you consider too stupid to think are allowed to vote. But its good that we have you to point out all the things we missed. All you need to do now is convince all those stupid folk to become communists and your boy will romp it. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

dont worry Foxy....there is plenty of time....but who mentioned being communists?

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I agree. You can't spin a national economy into booming.


The UK is to become the fourth largest economy in the world, jumping ahead of Germany and Japan over the next twenty years, according to a report by the Centre for Economics Business and Research.


The report revealed the UK will become the “best performing economy” over the next 15 years, and is currently the world’s fifth largest economy as a result of its total Gross Domestic Product, overtaking France in 2014.


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I agree. You can't spin a national economy into booming.




forgive me if i am wrong, but isnt what you just wrote spin, it says.....

The report revealed the UK will become the “best performing economy” over the next 15 years,.......

over the next 15 years? no chance of anything happening in the mean time then.....:roll:

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Mr Cameron Sir I have a question for you from single parent Tracy in Sheffield, Mr Cameron Sir I have a question for you from Mark a long term benefit scrounger living in Newcastle, Mr Cameron Sir I have a question from a Mohammed living in Bradford.......


Oh yes this is a debate well worth watching :D

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Mr Cameron Sir I have a question for you from single parent Tracy in Sheffield, Mr Cameron Sir I have a question for you from Mark a long term benefit scrounger living in Newcastle, Mr Cameron Sir I have a question from a Mohammed living in Bradford.......


Oh yes this is a debate well worth watching :D

Well, I guess you're just one of those that like to see the charade at PMQT's, and not really learn anything from it then :mad:

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