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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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You may have missed the most glaring bit of hypocritical political manoeuvring, though: keeping Hilary Benn exactly where he is, when Benn arguably showed himself to be one of the most disloyal of all on the occasion of the Syria-bombing Parliamentary debate and vote.


How I LoL'd when I read that he'd kept HB as shadow foreign secretary :hihi:


It certainly gives a huge reflection on Corbyn's aptitude and interest about foreign matters: about as extensive as Obama's. Problem is, the EU referendum is just around the corner. My money's on Corbyn sitting on that particular fence the longest he possibly can.


I'm thinking he didn't have much option regarding Benn.

Benn is held in far greater regard than Corbyn and sacking him would have lead to a full scale revolt in the party. Corbyn's actions still caused a major revolt. It remains to be seen if he can hang on to a semblance of control until 2020.


---------- Post added 06-01-2016 at 17:27 ----------


Yes, allowing Labour Party members to vote for their own leader. What were they thinking?


Clearly it should be sorted out in smoky back rooms over brandy and cigars by a respected few.


I'm all for it. Left to the Labour Party membership they will always come up with a leader that matches their particular radical agenda. That's far removed from a leader who will appeal to the electorate in general. Long may it continue.


They have a symilar system for electing the party leader in North Korea, but they get round the lack of electoral appeal by dispensing with elections.

Edited by foxy lady
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Just watched Corbyn and Cameron on Prime minister's questions in Parliament about the floods (Jan 6th 2015.) As usual Cameron failed to answer any of the questions and instead turned it all into a joke about Corbyn. Bet the people in Cumbria etc didn't think it's very funny and would have liked to hear an answer to the questions.


It's so obvious that Cameron deeply despises Corbyn for personal reasons that extend well beyond party politics.

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Just watched Corbyn and Cameron on Prime minister's questions in Parliament about the floods (Jan 6th 2015.) As usual Cameron failed to answer any of the questions and instead turned it all into a joke about Corbyn. Bet the people in Cumbria etc didn't think it's very funny and would have liked to hear an answer to the questions.


It's so obvious that Cameron deeply despises Corbyn for personal reasons that extend well beyond party politics.


You are more biased than even the Guardian.



Key points

After a morning in which two frontbenchers resigned in protest at his shadow cabinet reshuffle, it was never going to be an easy PMQs for the Labour leader. But Jeremy Corbyn stuck grimly to his guns, pressing the prime minister on flood defences. David Cameron pivoted swiftly back to the reshuffle.


Snap verdict

Not a decisive exchange, but a topical, serious one from which both Corbyn and Cameron emerged with some credit. Corbyn never really skewered Cameron over his flood spending failures, but his questions were solid, his tone was appropriate and he refused to be thrown by the jibes about the reshuffle. As usual, Cameron tried to steer it back to the economy and leadership, but he was also able to make some reasonable points about the government’s flood record.


Best lines

Cameron took advantage of the arrival of twelfth night to make a pro-forma Shakespearean joke about Love’s Labour’s Lost, but his barb about the length of the reshuffle was probably the most effective.


The idea that this individual would be faster in responding to floods when it takes him three days to carry out a reshuffle is laughable.


Neither Cameron nor Corbyn had vintage lines, though.


The PMQ facts seem solid today too.



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Did you actually watch it?


Yes. I also generously provided you with a left leaning report of PMQ's that underlines that you have a serious confirmation bias that beats even the Guardian's, along with an independant check of a few of the facts being bandied around.


I'll expect the same equanimity from you in future. :)

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Yes. I also generously provided you with a left leaning report of PMQ's that underlines that you have a serious confirmation bias that beats even the Guardian's, along with an independant check of a few of the facts being bandied around.


I'll expect the same equanimity from you in future. :)


Did Cameron answer Corbyn's questions?

Please can you write the answers here.

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Did Cameron answer Corbyn's questions?

Please can you write the answers here.


Cameron doesnt answer any questions :huh:

but just comes back with some kind of spin or sharp put down. but it seems most people are happy with a punch and judy show

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No. I simply don't care enough to beat Hansard to it.


Corbyn asked why Cameron had deliberately cut funding to the Foss flood barrier near York which failed spectacularly during the floods, despite the Environmental agency repeatedly warning, and writing government reports that it would fail without an upgrade.


Cameron tossed it off with a joke at Corbyn's expense about his cabinet reshuffle (what's that got to do with the question - or Cameron for that matter?) nothing to do with the question at all. Corbyn asked 6 questions, all about the floods, and didn't get a proper reply to one of them.


What made me really mad was this 'lighthearted banter' (it wasn't, it was snide and contemptible bullying) was made while the poor souls whose lives and businesses have been ruined were still trying to mop up the mess. How low and disrespectful is that?

Edited by Anna B
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