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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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I'm not likening him to hitler, I am likening the same response of ridecule, there is a difference,?


Don't liken him to Hitler. That's an insult to Hitler's intellect and capability although they do share the traits of insane ideology and wrong-headedness.

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It looks like you were likening him to Hitler to me. Myself I would liken him to Kim Jong-un. Feared by some because of the danger he poses to world security and his stupid backwards ideas that keep his people in abject poverty, but ultimately just a communist idiot. And one who would have about as much success as Corbyn should he be leading Labour at the time of the next general election.

Crikey....the fear factor has certainly been cranked up by the bull**** feeding media, they have put you into a right frenzy getting you to compare Corbyn with Kim Jong...are you really serious comparing the two?


I admire your tenacity but you are deluded. A read through of the above brilliant posts from people across the political spectrum show the real truth. All see the extreme that the Labour party has been led to. All see the need for strong opposition and at least a two party system.


The simple fact is that with Corbyn Labour is unelectable. If the situation lasts we may well see the Conservatives winning seats in areas previously considered Labour strongholds. You have seen what happened to Labour in Scotland.


Unless you and those who treasure the Labour legacy and want to see it progress and adapt to a 21st century situation dont act you are consigning this once great party to oblivion.


I do not in any way underestimate Corbyn, he could the beneficiary of bad news, the world economy again stands on the brink. Unpredictable events, as unlikely as they seem now could lead him to power. If he was so empowered I believe that he and those of his mindset are in essence Fascist and as dangerous as Hitler and Mussolini.


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 13:30 ----------




No one laughed at Hitler on the way up. They just did nothing about him.

Hmmm, you seem confused here somewhat Allan, first you say "Labour with Corbyn is unelectable"......then in the next breath........."as unlikely as they seem now could lead him to power" :huh::huh:

So.....has he a chance of getting to power or not :huh::huh:

You are indeed correct, no one laughed at Hitler on the way up, but that wasnt my point..up or down is not relevant.

What is relevant is, the media are laughing at Corby through fear, and of the hope that the drip feeding of ridicule of him will feed into peoples mindset...as is clearly the case


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 18:15 ----------


You see, absolutely hysterical! You're like a modern day Alf Garnett. Keep it up, you're brilliant!! :hihi::love:

I'm still trying to figure out why you would liken a me to Alf Garnett, as far as i recall Garnett was a racist bigoted Tory...and i as a socialist are none of the above, please enlighten me :mad:


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 18:15 ----------


Don't liken him to Hitler.

I didnt :)

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Brilliant! Love it! You should be on the stage!! :love:


Go on, you know you want to https://application.xfactor.tv/


Eric, i come on here to debate and discuss various subjects, i listen to peoples opinions, and offer mine in reply, it appears that you just come on here (some of the time) to just to troll, if you have nothing sensible or informative to offer, go and annoy someone else

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Crikey....the fear factor has certainly been cranked up by the bull**** feeding media,


You keep going on about the media. Anna does too and the rest of the [far] leftie mob in here.


Have you ever thought that people can make decisions without reading/watching this so called right-wing media propaganda?


I haven't read a newspaper [other than the Star, but that doesn't count] for months. I just watch him on TV, PMQs and interviews etc., and that is enough for me to conclude enough about him. I even watched the full youtube that Anna provided when he was in Sheffield.


I stand by everything I've said since the election in here. Most of it involved Labour being finished... and at that time I hadn't the knowledge that he was going to be leader.


LibDems are missing out here big time. A strong leader/ and perhaps a slight rename, and they could easily take most Labour MPs and shadow-cabinet, and clean up, and be the next opposition, and a good one too.

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Er... I don't class myself as far left. I don't even know if I'm going to vote Labour yet. All depends on how Mr Corbyn develops his role (it's early days yet.)


Corbyn is a good man but I have to admit to being disappointed so far. Judging by PM's questions, Corbyn is trying to play fair and is allowing Cameron's nasty, glib, snide remarks go unchallenged. He needs to start hitting back, below the belt if necessary, but he's said he won't stoop to this, so he is not coming across as strong enough.


This is all I have to go on, (I watch it live) as I do believe everything else as media biased and manipulated. One thing PM's Qs it has convinced me of though, and that is that Cameron is simply an old fashioned, over privileged, public school bully, with a massive ego but little actual substance or ability, just an over weaning sense of entitlement. He despises Corbyn and has nothing but contempt for the electorate.


Thankyou for taking the time to watch the Corbyn in Sheffield video, even if you were unimpressed by it. I respect your opinion for that.

Edited by Anna B
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Just a quick response as I'm logging off Anna...


Er... I don't class myself as far left. I don't even know if I'm going to vote Labour yet. All depends on how Mr Corbyn develops his role (it's early days yet.)


I didn't mean your were far left, so I put 'far' in as [far], because you obviously ARE as far left as Corbyn because you support him. You seem to me as a Labour voter or Lib depending on at particular time. You would never vote Tory, am I right?


Corbyn is a good man but I have to admit to being disappointed so far. Judging by PM's questions, Corbyn is trying to play fair and is allowing Cameron's nasty, glib, snide remarks go unchallenged. He needs to start hitting back, below the belt if necessary, but he's said he won't stoop to this, so he is not coming across as strong enough.


Here's the problem: It's not Cameron's nastiness, it's Corbyn's crap attempt as a leader for a major party. If he was in a far-left party, I think he'd be a lot more credible, but he'd equally get nowhere :hihi:


You have to remember that most people are pretty gullible, or pretty thick tbh, and people in this country [who are now far too lost in greed] want instant results! I want it now! - Corbyn won't win enough of these people I don't think. He's too far left for the 21st century.




I've never said he wasn't a good man btw.



Thankyou for taking the time to watch the Corbyn in Sheffield video, even if you were unimpressed by it. I respect your opinion for that.


'Unimpressed' wouldn't be my choice of word. I think to have a balanced opinion, I like to see speeches like that, rather than the 'headline version' that most people read.


I would use the word 'nonsense' over unimpressed. I dislike people who are that far left (as I dislike same on far right) - and is why I wrote against the striking in the other thread. It was more my dislike of the union leaders and their agendas over disliking of young NHS staff.

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But Corbyn is not far left ash


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 01:52 ----------


It looks like you were likening him to Hitler to me. Myself I would liken him to Kim Jong-un. Feared by some because of the danger he poses to world security and his stupid backwards ideas that keep his people in abject poverty, but ultimately just a communist idiot. And one who would have about as much success as Corbyn should he be leading Labour at the time of the next general election.


That is utter nonsense. Complete crap.


Sorry, but Corbyn is a fairly moderate left of centre politician operating within a western democracy. To compare him to the autocratic leader of a communist state is sheer stupidity.

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But Corbyn is not far left ash


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 01:52 ----------



That is utter nonsense. Complete crap.


Sorry, but Corbyn is a fairly moderate left of centre politician operating within a western democracy. To compare him to the autocratic leader of a communist state is sheer stupidity.


The man is anything but moderate. He's a far left marxist terrorist hugger and he's currently knackering our two party system by rendering it a one party system.

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The man is anything but moderate. He's a far left marxist terrorist hugger and he's currently knackering our two party system by rendering it a one party system.


He's not a marxist, He's not far left. He's not a terrorist sympathiser. He is however a moderate, by any reasonable measure.


That said he is probably incompetent as the leader of a major party but that is not licence to slur him with a barrage of pejorative terms and accusations you obviously barely understand.


This is a proper Cyndi Lauper moment. Well done for exposing your true colours.


For the record I'm not a Labour supporter but I really can't abide crass unfairness.

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