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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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The man is anything but moderate. He's a far left marxist terrorist hugger and he's currently knackering our two party system by rendering it a one party system.


Totally untrue and insulting.


We have become so used to Blair's weasley words, and 'Labour Lite' (ie. almost Tory) that we've forgotten what the Labour party stands for. It is the party of the working man, and considering most people on here are working men and women, they should be backing their own kind. Are all working people 'marxists?' Of course not.


But since when has the Oxbridge elite understood the lives of ordinary Labour people? That's what has turned people off politics and put paid to so called 'democracy.' With some of the lowest turnouts in elections. Why should they bother to vote for another Tory party mark 2?


That is, until the crash. Then people woke up to the fact that their concerns were of no consequence and unrepresented. Now we have a representative that is worthy of the name Labour, and someone who wants to do things a little bit differently - in fact do things in the way that ordinary people have been crying out for for a long time.


And don't the Tory party know it? Hence the relentless attacks on Corbyn to confuse the public and cover up the fact that Corbyn is actually offering the people what they want

Edited by Anna B
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He's not a marxist, He's not far left. He's not a terrorist sympathiser. He is however a moderate, by any reasonable measure.


That said he is probably incompetent as the leader of a major party but that is not licence to slur him with a barrage of pejorative terms and accusations you obviously barely understand.


This is a proper Cyndi Lauper moment. Well done for exposing your true colours.


For the record I'm not a Labour supporter but I really can't abide crass unfairness.


As our lass is a long term labourite I know quite a lot of stuff abput the guy (all available on google now though).


Lets talk terrorism first.


Who when he returned to his duties editing the leftist labour journal condemned the cover editor for an editorial condemning the Brighton bombing, a murderous terrorist outrage aimed at wiping out the government of our country?


Was it A) corbyn or B) someone else?

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Sorry, hit the wrong button... better go to bed now...


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 02:53 ----------


As our lass is a long term labourite I know quite a lot of stuff abput the guy (all available on google now though).


Lets talk terrorism first.


Who when he returned to his duties editing the leftist labour journal condemned the cover editor for an editorial condemning the Brighton bombing, a murderous terrorist outrage aimed at wiping out the government of our country?


Was it A) corbyn or B) someone else?


Please produce a link to the article, in its entirety so we can judge it, in context, for ourselves. Or is this just something 'you've heard' without actually reading?

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Oh please, I wonder how some people arrive at the opinions on what is what. They certainly don't seem to do it by reading the books by the people they talk about, like Marx.


Corbyn is the very definition of Marx's principles and methods. Corbyn also fits very nicely into Orwell's description of the lower middle class left wing patriarchy that he despised too, he's even a sandal wearing vegetarian disposed to nudism and quackery for Christ's sake!


The man is a walking talking stereotype.

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You keep going on about the media. Anna does too and the rest of the [far] leftie mob in here.


Have you ever thought that people can make decisions without reading/watching this so called right-wing media propaganda? .

But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........

You along with the rest of the country are sat in front of the TV, and are subjected to the subliminal drip drip drip brainwashing by the establishment.

Now, i am not say you are stupid, and i am not trying to be clever, but because you have a different political persuasion, you dont see it.

Even the BBC, who are supposed to be impartial, are in on the act...


A BBC producer has admitted in a BBC blog – now deleted – that Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg and himself manipulated the news to negatively impact Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday.

In the blog, the producer – Andrew Alexander – openly admits the BBC team were not just reporting the day’s news but trying to influence it:

“this was a story where we could make an impact”





Now do you see what i am getting at? this is from our very own BBC, this all makes me laugh when people talk about Corbyn and a communist state, and people referring him to Kim Jong Un...and yet our very own BBC is trying to make the news and distort the facts, the BBC funded by the tax payer taking a political side, when they are supposed to be impartial...

and also here


I expect the media lies from the Tory owned rags, but not the BBC :help:


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 09:57 ----------


The man is anything but moderate. He's a far left marxist terrorist hugger and he's currently knackering our two party system by rendering it a one party system.

Utter drivel, he is nothing of the sort, please put your copy of The Sun down

Edited by banjodeano
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But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........

You along with the rest of the country are sat in front of the TV, and are subjected to the subliminal drip drip drip brainwashing by the establishment.

Now, i am not say you are stupid, and i am not trying to be clever, but because you have a different political persuasion, you dont see it.

Even the BBC, who are supposed to be impartial, are in on the act...


A BBC producer has admitted in a BBC blog – now deleted – that Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg and himself manipulated the news to negatively impact Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday.

In the blog, the producer – Andrew Alexander – openly admits the BBC team were not just reporting the day’s news but trying to influence it:

“this was a story where we could make an impact”





Now do you see what i am getting at? this is from our very own BBC, this all makes me laugh when people talk about Corbyn and a communist state, and people referring him to Kim Jong Un...and yet our very own BBC is trying to make the news and distort the facts, the BBC funded by the tax payer taking a political side, when they are supposed to be impartial...

and also here


I expect the media lies from the Tory owned rags, but not the BBC :help:


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 09:57 ----------


Utter drivel, he is nothing of the sort, please put your copy of The Sun down


Ah yes. The political bias at the BBC. You do know who Robert Peston's father is, don't you?

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But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........

You along with the rest of the country are sat in front of the TV, and are subjected to the subliminal drip drip drip brainwashing by the establishment.

Now, i am not say you are stupid, and i am not trying to be clever, but because you have a different political persuasion, you dont see it.

Even the BBC, who are supposed to be impartial, are in on the act...


A BBC producer has admitted in a BBC blog – now deleted – that Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg and himself manipulated the news to negatively impact Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday.

In the blog, the producer – Andrew Alexander – openly admits the BBC team were not just reporting the day’s news but trying to influence it:

“this was a story where we could make an impact”





Now do you see what i am getting at? this is from our very own BBC, this all makes me laugh when people talk about Corbyn and a communist state, and people referring him to Kim Jong Un...and yet our very own BBC is trying to make the news and distort the facts, the BBC funded by the tax payer taking a political side, when they are supposed to be impartial...

and also here


I expect the media lies from the Tory owned rags, but not the BBC :help:


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 09:57 ----------


Utter drivel, he is nothing of the sort, please put your copy of The Sun down


Sooner or later, you're going to have to stop telling everybody that they've been brainwashed by "the media" and actually make a substantive case.

Everybody complains about media bias. I've often complained about the socialists and pro-EU leanings of the BBC.

But that's not a substantive case. I'm not asking you to prove media bias. It's trivial to find examples of instances of the media not being even handed in either direction.


One can identify Corbyn's ideology by his historic voting record and public statements.

I think Corbyn is a radical socialist pacifist.

He's called for nationalisation on a large scale, and a big increase in state spending across the board.

He's never supported any military action, and he's a unilateralist.


This is not a right wing conspiracy to discredit him. These are facts.

Look at the man's own website: http://jeremycorbyn.org.uk

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But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........

You along with the rest of the country are sat in front of the TV, and are subjected to the subliminal drip drip drip brainwashing by the establishment.

Now, i am not say you are stupid, and i am not trying to be clever, but because you have a different political persuasion, you dont see it.

Even the BBC, who are supposed to be impartial, are in on the act...


A BBC producer has admitted in a BBC blog – now deleted – that Andrew Neil, Laura Kuenssberg and himself manipulated the news to negatively impact Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday.

In the blog, the producer – Andrew Alexander – openly admits the BBC team were not just reporting the day’s news but trying to influence it:

“this was a story where we could make an impact”





Now do you see what i am getting at? this is from our very own BBC, this all makes me laugh when people talk about Corbyn and a communist state, and people referring him to Kim Jong Un...and yet our very own BBC is trying to make the news and distort the facts, the BBC funded by the tax payer taking a political side, when they are supposed to be impartial...

and also here


I expect the media lies from the Tory owned rags, but not the BBC :help:


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 09:57 ----------


Utter drivel, he is nothing of the sort, please put your copy of The Sun down


You know what, I don't actually think that you're joking.You're really being serious. Well I never.


You seriously do think that it's all an enormous high level shadowy anti-Corbyn right wing conspiracy! You've seen the light, you know the real truth, everyone else is too stupid to see how they are being manipulated. The sheeple are being conned! Jeremy is the Messiah!!!


Superb! :love:

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I think those who support Jeremy Corbyn, who is probably a very nice fella...Gentle affable...etc, don't really understand that's not what the middle of the road voter wants. Apart from his policies of unilateralism and renationalisation, and anti-war etc, etc, he just comes across as bumbling, inept, indecisive and out of his depth. Regardless of whether he is or not. That's the overwhelming perception people have of him. Apart from the 350k labour party members that is.


All this talk of drip feed brainwashing is utter nonsense. I'm only basing my opinions on speeches he's made and his abysmal showing on PMQ's. Asking questions, reading from a copied email from some random person. It just screams to me, that he doesn't have any ideas of his own....For god's sake, just pretend for once it's his own question!!


Is it any wonder Cameron sees him as a non-entity, and a very easy target to ridicule?


I'm not for a moment 'sticking up for the conservatives, in fact if Cameron told me the date, I'd have to go away and check the calendar...So I'm no Tory lover.


It's people like 'me' that Corbyn 'has' to win over, and so far he's spectacularly failed. Let's face it, he can't even win over his fellow labour MP's. What does that tell you?

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Sorry, hit the wrong button... better go to bed now...


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 02:53 ----------



Please produce a link to the article, in its entirety so we can judge it, in context, for ourselves. Or is this just something 'you've heard' without actually reading?

I read it in Private Eye, not the xmas edition but the one before that iIrc.


Assuming everyone who judges corbyn to be far left based on what he has said and done as badly informed and/or being spoonfed by the Sun or Mail is pretty insulting and does the corbyn fans no credit.

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