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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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I read it in Private Eye, not the xmas edition but the one before that iIrc.


Assuming everyone who judges corbyn to be far left based on what he has said and done as badly informed and/or being spoonfed by the Sun or Mail is pretty insulting and does the corbyn fans no credit.


It seems the left wing lunatics who consider Corbyn as one of their own, are now trying to cover up the fact that he is a trotskyite and more interested in CND than the welfare of the UK and its population. They have realised that his politics belong in the 1960s and don't carry much support outside the banner waving types who are attracted to join his party. No doubt before too long the beard will be gone, he will be dressed in Armani and singing God Save the Queen in a desperate bid to try to appear electable.

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Sorry, hit the wrong button... better go to bed now...


---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 02:53 ----------



Please produce a link to the article, in its entirety so we can judge it, in context, for ourselves. Or is this just something 'you've heard' without actually reading?


Context is important.


Jeremy on Russia Today on Twitter



Russia Today on Jeremy.


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But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.


There's a word for this.


But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........


I don't read papers, I don't have twitter, I don't read any political stuff on any social media (unless perhaps linked in here). I know they're there though, because in general a lot of the political stuff I read on here (SF) is links to the Guardian etc. which I would argue is just the same. Dripping anti-Tory comments in at every move - it is politics.


Aren't Guardian readers and similar left-wing papers all brainwashing too then? Not really, it's just the same thing you're going on about, but from the other side.


banjo, You honestly dont see it do you........... :)


But the right wing media is there constantly, all the time dripping it into people brains.

You honestly dont see it do you...........

You along with the rest of the country are sat in front of the TV, and are subjected to the subliminal drip drip drip brainwashing by the establishment.

Now, i am not say you are stupid, and i am not trying to be clever, but because you have a different political persuasion, you dont see it.

Even the BBC, who are supposed to be impartial, are in on the act...


It's that word again. You need some anti-paranoid pills or something. I've already told you where I've seen him.


I just watch him on TV, PMQs and interviews etc., and that is enough for me to conclude enough about him. I even watched the full youtube that Anna provided when he was in Sheffield.


I watch some BBC (news and documentaries etc.) and I find especially things like Panorama very biased towards the left. How come this drip feeding isn't making me a far-leftie? :hihi:

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But Corbyn is not far left ash


He sways closer to the far-left than any other leader in recent times in a major party, just as parties like the BNP sway closer to the far-right. I'd be surprised if you can't agree with that.


I think the majority of people are closer to the centre, and he won't win anything for this reason, not because of any right-wing propaganda.


My thoughts were this:


I stand by everything I've said since the election in here. Most of it involved Labour being finished... and at that time I hadn't the knowledge that he was going to be leader.


LibDems are missing out here big time. A strong leader/ and perhaps a slight rename, and they could easily take most Labour MPs and shadow-cabinet, and clean up, and be the next opposition, and a good one too.

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Utter drivel, he is nothing of the sort, please put your copy of The Sun down






Corbyn has been repeatedly asked if he is a Marxist and never gives a straight answer, much like that comical telephone interview on the radio where he claimed to have not heard the question five times then hung up after saying he had a bad signal.


People call out Cameron for dodging questions, Corbyn is just as good when he knows the answer paints him personally in a bad light.

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Corbyn has been repeatedly asked if he is a Marxist and never gives a straight answer, much like that comical telephone interview on the radio where he claimed to have not heard the question five times then hung up after saying he had a bad signal.


People call out Cameron for dodging questions, Corbyn is just as good when he knows the answer paints him personally in a bad light.


What if he did admire Marx? Why is that a problem? Clearly neither Corbyn or the Labour party have any plans to transform the UK into a communist state, or anything vaguely resembling one.


IMO the economic analysis of Marx (and Engels) was quite brilliant. I wouldn't want or agree with what they saw as the ultimate outcome but it doesn't detract from the quality of the work they did. You can appreciate them while also appreciating the work of Adam Smith, for example.

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What if he did admire Marx? Why is that a problem? Clearly neither Corbyn or the Labour party have any plans to transform the UK into a communist state, or anything vaguely resembling one.


IMO the economic analysis of Marx (and Engels) was quite brilliant. I wouldn't want or agree with what they saw as the ultimate outcome but it doesn't detract from the quality of the work they did. You can appreciate them while also appreciating the work of Adam Smith, for example.


I would think that is exactly what Corbyn would aspire to do. It is probably the aim also of much of the current new intake of Labour members. I would agree that it isn't the aim of many CURRENT Labour MPs.

But like the majority of the electorate it isn't something I would aspire to.

Until the danger has passed by I think there are rather a lot of people in the UK who won't take the risk of voting Labour. Until thattime, I will be voting for the chimp who wears anything other than a red rosette, as long as they have the best chance of preventing the chimp with the red rosette from getting to Westminster.

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I would think that is exactly what Corbyn would aspire to do. It is probably the aim also of much of the current new intake of Labour members. I would agree that it isn't the aim of many CURRENT Labour MPs.

But like the majority of the electorate it isn't something I would aspire to.

Until the danger has passed by I think there are rather a lot of people in the UK who won't take the risk of voting Labour. I will be voting for the chimp who wears anything other than a red rosette, as long as they have the best chance of preventing the chimp with the red rosette from getting to Westminster.


There is no evidence he aspires to that. None at all. Where are you getting this from?

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