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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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Are you paid to shill for him?


I think he has a few PR men on here. No matter. He needs them in the shires and they judge folk by their friends.







Edited by foxy lady
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The man has been a extreme leftist his entire life. There isn't a mad far left cause he hasn't backed. Demanding 'proof' of what are matters of public record just sounds as silly as someone demanding 'proof' that Nick Griffen is a racist. You may be a far leftist who agrees with him, thats fine, but please stop trying to whitewash history and pretend he's anything other than the far leftist he is.


Not an accurate comparison, because Griffen does have a conviction for incitement to racial hatred.

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The man has been a extreme leftist his entire life. There isn't a mad far left cause he hasn't backed. Demanding 'proof' of what are matters of public record just sounds as silly as someone demanding 'proof' that Nick Griffen is a racist. You may be a far leftist who agrees with him, thats fine, but please stop trying to whitewash history and pretend he's anything other than the far leftist he is.


It seems the commies are embarassed to have one of their own in charge of the Labour Party. It's almost as though they think his and their politics are an electoral liability.

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He is far from an extreme leftist


He's not an extreme leftist, not by any stretch of the imagination.

The viewing point is what matters. Not believing him to be of the far left says more about your position than his. If you look left and he's not far away, enough said.

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Of course the communists welcome one of their own. It is just another sign that the Labour Party is making a large shift to the left. A shift that will be far more to the left by 2020.


I'm not about to take your word on these matters. I read the papers, I listen to the man. I see the reports on the news. I see his disagreements with moderate Labour MPs, and their replacement by more left wing lunatics. He's a danger to our security. He's a danger to our economy and a danger to our way of life. He is a friend to extremists. He is a friend to terrorist nations who are our enemies.


If I saw a report on the news that a local store had been raided and found to be selling counterfiet Khrushchev vodka that was a danger to health, I would take note of the warning. If I then went to another store and found Khrushchev vodka I wouldn't take the risk of buying it. There are loads of other brands that are far safer.


I won't be voting Labour whilst the mad man is in charge because I think he is a major risk to this country. There are lots of other parties available and I will vote for whichever one offers the best chance of keeping Corbyn out of power. There are hundreds of thousands of folk around the country who share my concern. They too will vote in the marginal seats and ensure that Corbyn never gets a chance to influence the policy of this country.


You read the papers..?....hahahaha, you do realise they are owned by millionaires and most of them despise the fact that he is going to make them pay their fare share of tax, do you not think that they may have a reason to not want him in power...Crikey me Foxy, was the purpose of that comment to give us a all a laugh this Sunday morning?

This is exactly what i mean when i keep going on about the brainwashing media :hihi:

And you see reports on the news? Do you think you are getting honest reporting?




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