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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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says here he was cleared




Wasn't it just a phoney charge before the 2005 election then cleared afterwards when the damage was done?


Nope the was a different case, he was found guilty of distributing material likely to incitement to racial hatred in 1998 and received a suspended sentence.

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Can you read? I just said in my post that I admire his work, but that I don't agree with the ultimate outcomes he envisaged.


Yes I can read, and I'm watching you avoid answering the question directly, just like Corbyn did when asked the same thing on a national broadcast. Surely a simple yes or no would suffice?


The viewing point is what matters. Not believing him to be of the far left says more about your position than his. If you look left and he's not far away, enough said.


Even the Morning Star describes him as 'most left-wing leadership candidate in generations — possibly since party founder Keir Hardie himself'.




Or is the Morning Star one of these right wing newspapers too?

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Even the Morning Star describes him as 'most left-wing leadership candidate in generations — possibly since party founder Keir Hardie himself'.




Or is the Morning Star one of these right wing newspapers too?


Surely this also invalidates banjodeano's point that "left-wing" is a term of abuse unfairly levelled at Corbyn by his imaginary giant capitalist media conspiracy.

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Don't be ridiculous. Are you a paid shill for the Tories?


Given that I don't support any political party and have repeatedly said the biggest threat posed by corbyn is not that he will get into power (he won't) but that he will gift the tories the next election and by failing to hold the government to account he's created an effective one party system which is detrimental to the country - if I am a paid tory shill then they probably want their money back.

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You read the papers..?....hahahaha, you do realise they are owned by millionaires and most of them despise the fact that he is going to make them pay their fare share of tax, do you not think that they may have a reason to not want him in power...Crikey me Foxy, was the purpose of that comment to give us a all a laugh this Sunday morning?

This is exactly what i mean when i keep going on about the brainwashing media :hihi:

And you see reports on the news? Do you think you are getting honest reporting?





I think I'm getting a more accurate picture of what is happening than if I took notice of you, and as you clearly base your opinions on what you get from communist and far left sources after filtering out the bits you don't want to hear, it seems that it is you that is brainwashed. But, in the end, it boils down to public opinion. Folk in the marginals who voted tory in 2015 brcause Miliband was in the pockets of the unions aren't going to vote Labour whilst there is an extremist in charge.


I'll be voting for anyone who isn't wearing a red rosette just to keep Corbyn out. Who knows, if our sitting MP defects or stands as an independent, I might even vote for her.:)

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so there is no conspiracy against him then :loopy:


Well done. :clap:

Or is perhaps the Morning Star part of this conspiracy. If so, I suspect it would be news to them.


I didn't have a similar problem with

Milliband, Brown, Blair, Smith or Kinnock.

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Given that I don't support any political party and have repeatedly said the biggest threat posed by corbyn is not that he will get into power (he won't) but that he will gift the tories the next election and by failing to hold the government to account he's created an effective one party system which is detrimental to the country - if I am a paid tory shill then they probably want their money back.


Corbyn will not only gift the next election to Tories. He will very likely split the Labour Party. One part moving further left and the rest moving to the centre ground. It will probably split the left of centre vote for several elections beyond 2020. The damage might be irreversible.

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I think I'm getting a more accurate picture of what is happening than if I took notice of you, and as you clearly base your opinions on what you get from communist and far left sources after filtering out the bits you don't want to hear, it seems that it is you that is brainwashed. But, in the end, it boils down to public opinion. Folk in the marginals who voted tory in 2015 brcause Miliband was in the pockets of the unions aren't going to vote Labour whilst there is an extremist in charge.


I'll be voting for anyone who isn't wearing a red rosette just to keep Corbyn out. Who knows, if our sitting MP defects or stands as an independent, I might even vote for her.:)

Please enlighten us and tell us which newspapers you read?


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 14:10 ----------


]Corbyn will not only gift the next election to Tories. [/color]He will very likely split the Labour Party. One part moving further left and the rest moving to the centre ground. It will probably split the left of centre vote for several elections beyond 2020. The damage might be irreversible.


Yada Yada Yada....

so you have a crystal ball?

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