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Corbyn offers to do a televised debate with Cameron

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I think that Miliband wasn't a bad leader, but he was a victim of the Blair/Brown civil war.


His brother was the Blairite he was the Brownite, the Blairites spent all their time undermining him, just as the Brownites would have undermined his brother. It was this civil war that made Labour unelectable.

Nope, what made them unelectable was, they were no different to the Tories, you couldnt slide a fag paper between them, if your going to vote Tory lite, you may as well vote Tory, they had moved so far away from true socialists principles they could hardly be regarded as Labour


Ha ha ha ha ha ha :hihi:

Great thought out reply

Ok explain why you think he will win. It was obvious Milliband was a weak leader and so it proved to be.

I wouldnt say i think he will win, what i would say is dont completely write him out of the picture, i believe it is not an impossibility that he could be PM.

Who would have thought 6 months ago that a true socialist would have become the Labour leader?

He has tapped into a lot discontent amongst the voters, people are sick of seeing the country run into the ground in the name of austerity, whilst billionaires and corporates pay no tax, we have no money for the poor but we can wage wars in foreign lands costing millions.

Slowly people are not believing the media lies and starting to wake up to the scams that are going off,




---------- Post added 29-12-2015 at 14:46 ----------


When its pro Labour its fact but when its not its bias :roll:

when is it pro labour? its 99% bias against against.

even the BBC admit bias against Corbyn :huh:

Edited by banjodeano
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when is it pro labour? its 99% bias against against.


Both the Guardian and Mirror news papers are openly biased in favour of Labour. Both are the left wing equivalents of the Telegraph and Daily Mail.


even the BBC admit bias against Corbyn :huh:


Thats news to me. The BBC admitted to left wing bias a while back but not anti-corbyn bias. Do you have a reference to this claim?

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Both the Guardian and Mirror news papers are openly biased in favour of Labour. Both are the left wing equivalents of the Telegraph and Daily Mail.................



Hmmmmm, they may favour Labour, but the Mirror is not exactly pro Corbyn ...balanced against all the other media outlets, i still stand by my statement that 99% of the media is against Corbyn



Thats news to me. The BBC admitted to left wing bias a while back but not anti-corbyn bias. Do you have a reference to this claim?



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There is largely agreement in the Labour party on economic policy. The disagreements arise on foreign policy and Trident.


And welfare, the deficit, Syria, the role of the state etc. But they agree on the time for tea breaks.


I think the divisions will get worse as Corbyn is said to be about to ditch Hilary Benn and bring back Ed Miliband into his shadow cabinet of losers.


Still there was an interesting analysis of Labour under Corbyn in the Times...


"But Rallings and Thrasher say the picture looks worse when you consider the 27 byelections where a seat was being contested that was last contested in May, on the day of the general election. This allows a direct comparison with Labour’s performance at the election.


“Labour’s vote share was up in eight [of these 27 wards], but down in 19,” they write. On average, the Tory share in these byelections is unchanged; Labour is down by four percentage points; the Liberal Democrats’ share is up by seven and Ukip is fractionally down."


So much for the new leader bounce.

Edited by foxy lady
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Why should he? Theres no requirement to and meanwhile Corbyn is left in the dark. Its the privilege of being in power. He's irrelevant.


Cameron should do it to show some respect for the electorate.


He is supposedly the servant of the people yet every election the electorate are fed a tissue of lies and soundbites and subsequently a raft of broken promises which they are allowed to get away with, with no accountability. Up until now Labour has not been much better. It's one of the reasons politicians are held in such utter contempt these days, and one of the reasons we have had such appalling governance for the last 50+ years.


It's about time we expected more. It's about time they were held to account on a regular basis. It's about time we heard it from the horses mouth instead of the speech writer's spin. It's about time they were put on the spot and asked to justify their actions. It's about time the public were allowed to get the real measure of the man they are expected to vote for. It's about time they opened themselves up for public scrutiny. At the moment they merely pay lipservice to wanting the public to know what they are about. In fact they want them to know as little as possible and understand less.


A good example will be the referendum on the EU. How on earth are we supposed to vote responsibly if we are not reliably informed?


Politics is in a state of flux. It needs changing. It needs shaking up. It's what the people want that is supposed to count. As I said, it's about time we expected more. A lot more.

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I think that Miliband wasn't a bad leader, but he was a victim of the Blair/Brown civil war. .


He was the lesser of the two for sure. If David MB had been in we would almost certainly have had either a Labour or Lib-Lab alliance running things at the moment I expect.


Corbyn is just a joke I'm afraid. I still can't believe that he was voted in but there you... hes her for however long and we have no credible Opposition.

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Someone who used to work for the BBC saying they believe the BBC is bias is not the same thing as the BBC admitting bias.

Try again or retract your claim.


Why should he? Why don't you provide evidence to the contrary or does that mean you can't? BBC seems to be ante Corbyn to me and before you say provide evidence to prove it you go and disprove it or shut up.

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Why should he? Why don't you provide evidence to the contrary or does that mean you can't? BBC seems to be ante Corbyn to me and before you say provide evidence to prove it you go and disprove it or shut up.


Onus of proof is always on those making the assertion. Its reasonable to say that one employee claiming something doesn't mean that the organisation is what he claims.

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