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A dog is for life


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Or I think my child's allergic or as I came across last week " He's taking more looking after than I thought "

But I have to say the one that winds me up the most is I'm Pregnant.

In other words they wanted to practice with a puppy first and seeing how

I managed not to kill it I'll have a baby now and sell the mutt .

Being one of seven kids we always had dogs and I am so glad I grew up

With there always being a dog in the house . It teaches kids responsibility

And how to interact with animals .

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how long now before all the excuses on gumtree,etc dog for sale , i dont have time anymore,i,m pregnant,i have to move home my new landlord will not allow pets, watch this space


Give it a few more weeks before the "unwanted" Christmas pets are up for sale,free to a good home etc.People still unbelievably give pets for Christmas,then realise they need time to look after them,I hope there isn't too many this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For people who are considering giving up their pets there is some useful advice in this article. The website is the Pet Owners Association.


It is distressing when people decide to give up on their pets, particularly when it is clear that they did not give enough thought to it initially. However, living in a home where it is not wanted is a bad situation for any animal to be in. It can lead to neglect and abuse.

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