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Building a website for a pub database?


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Over the last ten years Iv been photographing pubs in both Sheffield and Chesterfield the photos Iv have now total over a thousand images many which are rare and will in time be of historic value as pubs are slowly disappearing . As I see it I have two choices write a book or build a website to create a record the problem with the latter is I have no experience of building a website , what are the pros and cons of having a website and what costs involved ? Thanks.

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Hi Crookedspire


Just about to post a topic for help on a thread and spotted your thread so I thought I would put in my two pennies worth and as part of my many new years’ resolutions (don’t ask!).


As I see it I have two choices write a book or build a website to create a record


In this fast moving world, I would suggest both without the cost of publishing the first!

Build a website in a page format that you can make into an e-Book to market and sell from you website and upload to Amazon and sell as a kindle book. This way you will reach far more people at a much lower cost by a factor of ten than trying to get a publisher to take on your book!


What are the pros and cons of having a website and what costs involved?


Let me answer your question back to front.


Approx £10 a month will get you a good hosting package and domain name.


You have two choices for your website either static or Blog – I would suggest static would suit your project better.


You have two main methods, WordPress that offer you both Static and Blog or if you want to upload your own HTML via FTP or cPanel to your host provider. Just make sure that the template you choose for either format is good for PC, Tablet and smart phone.


Once you get over your initial fear of the unknown, building your own website is straightforward but to build one that earns you money takes time and effort. If it has taken you ten years to get this far, another year to learn about and build your own website will be a walk in the park.


Your project is in an interesting niche from a keyword perspective and I would expect your site, constructed properly, to be more than paying its way after one year incorporating Google AdSense & affiliate links in your site alone!


I hope this helps but should you have any questions please feel free to contact me


Happy New Year


MailBottle ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I built a website last year for a friend to sell photos from a race, this was thousand of photos and that amount of data I needed a very big hosting account.


in the end I opted for a flick gallery this is free and hd quality and uploads quickly.


if you want to see how it turned click the link below, I also set up a flick gallery for my running club as well as it better than having them all within the website.


you can set up a flickr account within minutes dead easy.

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