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What makes you angry?


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Many thanks ... Some of these comments are really useful. I too work voluntarily writing for a blog for a Disability Group.


They said to write about anything and everything, but I think I've told everyone enough about how much good sea water does for me so thanks for giving me some more ideas. Xx


A lot of people have mentioned hotels without basic access. Could you write an article or even create a small database of hotels that have been vetted and approved as being wheelchair or limited mobility friendly? By the sounds of it, most travel booking websites don't seem to have this information. You could even use it as a way of making some money for the charity by linking up with say Trivago or another hotel booking website so that when someone tries to book a hotel through your site it takes them to Trivago and you get a small bit of 'click through' money, only a few pence for each once but better than nothing!


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 16:30 ----------


I have always thought that it was illegal to park on pavements, in fact over my long driving career I am certain that I have heard of drivers being fined for parking with two wheels on the kerb. I have also heard of drivers being fined for parking more than nine inches away from the kerb edge.

However there is currently a bill going through Parliament notably the 'Pavement Parking (Protection of Vulnerable Pedestrians) Bill 2015-16' so an end to your problem may be in sight.


It's been discussed in great length on another thread, but it's not illegal to park on a pavement. It's only illegal if the car blocks access to someone, so if you can't get past with a pram or in a wheelchair/mobility scooter then it is an offence so ring the police and get them to deal with it! Strangely it is illegal to DRIVE on a pavement so how the Police think a car got there to park without driving on it is baffling...

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I am going to a wedding and needed disabled facilities at the Hotel. After spending all morning looking the best I could get was a ramp at the door of the Hotel and a Lift.Why is it not the law that every Hotel should have at least one room with bathroom and other facilities needed by disabled people. This makes me so angry!


Have you tried Travelodge? I have often stayed with them and find their disabled rooms and access quite good, but I am not in a wheelchair so not sure if they are ok for wheelchair users.

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My GP and the NHS requirements to qualify for an electric wheelchair!! :rant:


I previously have bought my own electric wheelchairs, but my previous one has just died on me, a week after Christmas, and according to my GP, I dont qualify for an electric one, because I dont need one inside the house.... So she offered me a manual lone.... Hmmm, considering I'm hemiplegic on the left side, I'll just go round in circles all day, shall I?!

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Were do I began? I suppose number one hate is the government and its so called reforms that have damaged lives both of disabled and non disabled. Two, media especially the right wing ones who have flamed the flames of hate and attacks on the disabled have increased. No real help for injured service men only battles for care and specialist hospitals closed due to MOD cuts . Theirs a real sense of the country going backwards in adult care and removal of wardens in shelter accommodation. I'm sure theirs more but I will leave it at that.

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Hi Crookedspire


Your views are certainly like many others at the moment. Certainly there is plenty of evidence that disabled people have been targeted quite unfairly during this period of austerity where everyone has been supposed to share the burden equally.


Thankfully if a given Government gets its policies so wrong, we get u-turns on such policies as the proposed changes to PIP announced in the budget. The fact that the Government have announced there would be no further cuts on welfare spending during the tenure of this parliament maybe gives us some comfort and shows us, that by complaining vigorously enough, we can force a climb-down when it gets too much.


The phone calls and complaints we receive very much echo your concerns about the care industry and the lack of trusted, quality care services that help disabled people maintain their independence and ensure they can play the part in society they want.


In a positive sense there are so many charities and disabled peoples user led organisations campaigning vigorously and fighting for the rights of disabled people that once again we will start to move forward in creating a more level playing field for disabled people.


Please keep in touch with us about your concerns and you can also contact Sheffield Healthwatch about your care concerns. The more evidence we have to collect and give to local decision makers the better chance we have of making an impact.


Our main office number is 0114 253 6750 or email us at info@disabilitysheffield.org.uk and we have further information at http://www.disabilitysheffield.org


You can contact Healthwatch on (0114) 253 6688 info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk http://www.healthwatchsheffield.co.uk


Take care for now



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The Conservative Government makes me angry for example what makes them think they can take something like the Living Wage = http://www.livingwage.org.uk/ and then try and turn it into something called the 'national living wage' which offers people a living wage at a level well below the cost of living.


Other Government policies and procedures make me angry too re Bedroom Tax, changes to ESA support group payments, proposed PIP changes and the other raft of policies, such as the Government's 'moving around' policy which resulted in hundreds of thousands being moved off DLA/PIP higher rate mobiltiy component.


The programme of reassessing people on disability benefits using the Work Capability Assessment was independently associated with an increase in suicides, self-reported mental health problems and antidepressant prescribing. How angry do people have to get about legislation that seeks to arbitrarily punish and undermine disabled people.


Oh yeah - and personally - people who are patronising and offer to push access buttons for doors and lifts when I am about to push them myself. Or, why some people assume all disabled people have a hearing impairment and feel the need to speak in a ridiculously loud voice ;)


---------- Post added 22-03-2016 at 11:08 ----------


Hi Crookedspire


Your views are certainly like many others at the moment. Certainly there is plenty of evidence that disabled people have been targeted quite unfairly during this period of austerity where everyone has been supposed to share the burden equally.


Thankfully if a given Government gets its policies so wrong, we get u-turns on such policies as the proposed changes to PIP announced in the budget. The fact that the Government have announced there would be no further cuts on welfare spending during the tenure of this parliament maybe gives us some comfort and shows us, that by complaining vigorously enough, we can force a climb-down when it gets too much.


The phone calls and complaints we receive very much echo your concerns about the care industry and the lack of trusted, quality care services that help disabled people maintain their independence and ensure they can play the part in society they want.


In a positive sense there are so many charities and disabled peoples user led organisations campaigning vigorously and fighting for the rights of disabled people that once again we will start to move forward in creating a more level playing field for disabled people.


Please keep in touch with us about your concerns and you can also contact Sheffield Healthwatch about your care concerns. The more evidence we have to collect and give to local decision makers the better chance we have of making an impact.


Our main office number is 0114 253 6750 or email us at info@disabilitysheffield.org.uk and we have further information at http://www.disabilitysheffield.org


You can contact Healthwatch on (0114) 253 6688 info@healthwatchsheffield.co.uk http://www.healthwatchsheffield.co.uk


Take care for now




Every City and Town needs a user led organisation like this :)

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People who use disabled toilets who are not disabled. Many times I have had to wait outside a disabled toilet at Meadowhall to find the person coming out pushing a pushchair when the parent and child toilet is only a few feet away and is free with nobody in there.

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This might seem a strange idea what if the disabled community had its own political party ?


That's not strange, it is wonderful. DLA on par with an MP's salary PLUS expenses. Jaguar, Lexus and Bentley on Motability. Harley Davidson mobility scooters. It sounds like paradise.

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