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KSA - Iran tensions boiling over?

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The Saudis have executed 47 Shia today and Iran have 27 sunnis slated for execution shortly. Both sides seem to be ramping up the rhetoric and are fighting proxy wars in syria and yemen. Could this escalate into a hot war between the two and what would it mean for us?

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Doubt it. They might fight via proxies, but i dont see a full scale war.

Possible closure of the Gulf, rise in oil prices, Russia to be happy. Fall in worldwide stock markets and a downward pressure on economic activity with recession looming again.

Dont think Iran either wants or is stupid enough to go to war though becayse its not practical. They will figure a different way to get revenge.

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The Saudi's are our loyal and trusted friends. Prince Charles loves them and various PMs from every political party have gone out there to do business with them.


Because they are rich, have oil and buy our weapons. Being one of the most despotic states on the planet doesn't seem to bother British foreign policy at the moment.



If only we could find out which oil rich state is funding ISIS at the moment.......:suspect:

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If I had shares in BAE I'd be thrilled.


Sick but true. BAE along with the other war monger arms makers will be rubbing their hands with glee.

The whole region is a volcano waiting to blow. What does it mean for us? Stupid people sending their kids to fight in another foreign war caused by NATO and the west's foreign policy to further line the pockets of the privileged few.

It will all end very badly for the average person.

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Sick but true. BAE along with the other war monger arms makers will be rubbing their hands with glee.

The whole region is a volcano waiting to blow. What does it mean for us? Stupid people sending their kids to fight in another foreign war caused by NATO and the west's foreign policy to further line the pockets of the privileged few.

It will all end very badly for the average person.


So what's the average person going to do about it?


Last year they voted in a Tory Govt who just sucks at the teet of Saudi Arabia...as did "New Labour" before, because they have no principles. As long as these despotic stone age throwbacks have oil we will still deal with them. Madness.

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So what's the average person going to do about it?


Last year they voted in a Tory Govt who just sucks at the teet of Saudi Arabia...as did "New Labour" before, because they have no principles. As long as these despotic stone age throwbacks have oil we will still deal with them. Madness.

Nothing. That's the problem.

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Sick but true. BAE along with the other war monger arms makers will be rubbing their hands with glee.

The whole region is a volcano waiting to blow. What does it mean for us? Stupid people sending their kids to fight in another foreign war caused by NATO and the west's foreign policy to further line the pockets of the privileged few.

It will all end very badly for the average person.


I think its a bit far fetched to blame NATO for a shia sunni civil war within islam thats been on and off for 1300 years.

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