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Worst Christmas TV programmes ever !!


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I have had similar comments from my Dad and Uncle regarding the ''Naff telly o'er Christmas'' for me it seems to have been the same as it always has, unfortunately in their old age they refuse to alter their ways.


I feel with the addition of online streaming services you can now make your Christmas exactly what you want it to be - viewing wise of course.

This is true. But for those who don't want to - or can't - stump up extra cash for Netflix and Amazon, those who aren't tech savvy, those in areas limited to slow and/or throttled internet speeds and/or small download limits, and those who don't want to dip their toes into the murkier areas of internet streaming, the traditional channels are still the major source of festive TV.

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Possibly :suspect: .


---------- Post added 03-01-2016 at 10:34 ----------


The self-referential stuff is getting rather trying, but there's a decent show in there too. I thought I'd hate it - took me ages to get around to watching it - but there's some quality acting and story-telling in there, and spotting the references to the original tales, and seeing how the writers twist and turn them for their own ends, is rather fun.


The 2013 outing saw a significant decline in quality. The Charles Augustus Milverton episodes promised so much and delivered so little; the writers were too busy turning Mary into a spy/secret agent/super hero, or whatever the hell she's meant to be, to focus on the villain. Let's hope they look to Conan Doyle for the conclusion of Mary's story.


I re-watched all of Sherlock prior to Christmas, and the quality in the first series really shines through. The second series was good and I enjoyed it more than I remembered. The third series seemed to be too much about the personalities of the main characters and the mystery solving seemed to incidental to the episodes.


I'd always thought that the whole point of Sherlock Holmes having a personalty which was obsessed with solving crimes was that that was meant to be the focus of the stories, without personalities sidetracking them.


I did enjoy the special as I felt that it did move the show away from being a soap opera.

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I re-watched all of Sherlock prior to Christmas, and the quality in the first series really shines through. The second series was good and I enjoyed it more than I remembered. The third series seemed to be too much about the personalities of the main characters and the mystery solving seemed to incidental to the episodes.

The second series was superb, particularly the first and third episodes. It was certainly worthy of the massive buzz it created.


But of course after that buzz, and the extra-long gap between The Reichenbach Fall and its resolution, the third series had a long way to fall too. And it did. Not helped by the writing, which, with the introduction of the preposterous 'Mary' storyline, strained credulity and patience. Milverton is a deeply unpleasant villain; I don't think the Sherlock writers did him justice at all.


I'd always thought that the whole point of Sherlock Holmes having a personalty which was obsessed with solving crimes was that that was meant to be the focus of the stories, without personalities sidetracking them.

But Holmes has always been such an intriguing character and Conan Doyle dangled such juicy potential in the tales, just ripe for future writers to run away with: the drug abuse; the physicality in addition to the huge intellect; the misogynistic clinical reasoning machine with a potential for obsession with 'the woman'; the intriguing family; the arch-enemy in waiting. There's so much more there than just the stories. The problem with the last series is that it all got rather bitty and soapy.

I did enjoy the special as I felt that it did move the show away from being a soap opera.

Exactly so. Definitely need to watch it again to see just how the story seeds were planted.

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I am so glad i rarely watch any tv. i would not miss it at all i think if i didnt have one.


Then you're doing it wrong.


Sherlock did seem to disappear up its own rear end but, as previously mentioned, there was a good show fighting to get out. Luther was OK, nice to see big dris do something outside those awful sky adverts and a whole list of vanity projects. It needed a third episode for me, the last bit was crammed in rather than played out.

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