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Sheffield movies


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Hi, all

anyone know if any other movies were filmed in Sheffield.

I got a real laughs over the full monty,

some of the scenes and building shots looked all so familiar.



Whatever Happened to Harold Smith. Made in the early 1980's and starring Tom Courtney.

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Out of these I've only seen The Princess Bride which doesn't stand out as being Sheffieldish to say the least!



Spare Time (1939)




Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue (1974)




The Princess Bride (1987)




Fellow Traveller (1989)




Blood (2000)




The Navigators (2001)




Dream (2001)




Gabriel and Me (2001)




Station Jim (2001)





Also worth mentioning is the brilliant TV cop show Out of the Blue which was shown in 1995 and only ran for a couple of seasons. It was set in an unnamed northern town that was obviously Sheffield to anyone who lives here. Sadly it's not been released on VHS or DVD and hasn't been repeated as far as I know.

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I remember my mate being an extra in The Princess Bride - he answered an ad in the Star appealing for people with long hair. Had to go to the Leadmill to be assessed, then I think the filming was out in Derbyshire somewhere - not far from Sheffield anyway. All the long-haired people turned out to be medieval peasants...


Oh, that 'Whatever Happened to Harold Smith' film is utter garbage. My opinion, of course.

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Also worth mentioning is the brilliant TV cop show Out of the Blue which was shown in 1995 and only ran for a couple of seasons. It was set in an unnamed northern town that was obviously Sheffield to anyone who lives here. Sadly it's not been released on VHS or DVD and hasn't been repeated as far as I know.


Much of which was shot at Norfolk Park flats,the outdoor scenes at least, and now an area of natural beauty since all the flats were torn down

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Much of which was shot at Norfolk Park flats,the outdoor scenes at least, and now an area of natural beauty since all the flats were torn down



There was a scene shot on the roof of the Northern General hospital that sparked a security alert. Apparently no-one told security that there would be men running around on the roof with guns or that they'd be actors.

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Amongst Giants with pete poslethwaite (sorry bout spelling) and rachel griffiths - i think this was set in and around sheff. I think the story was loosely based aroung pylon painting!!There was a terrible scene with pete dancing in the nuddy beneath the cooling towers at tinsley:gag:

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