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Sheffield movies


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;) :There's a version of the video online too:

Thanks for that Pilon.

I'm told that this short film was made on a shoestring budget by young graduate who was just helping out with some labouring work at Gripples.

The film industry should snap him up before he's lost to Australia or something.

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I saw a film at The Showroom a few years ago starring Tommy Craig, the wednesdayite off Corro, as a rail line maintenance engineer. It was called "Navigators" (as in Navvies) and was based mainly in and around Sheffield. It was actually quite good and deserved a higher profile than it got.

It was mentioned earlier by "Gularscute" but he hadn't seen it. If you can get a cheap DVD of it, buy a few Stellas and it should kill an empty tuesday night.

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Just noticed More4 have a Ken Loach season to celebrate Kens 70s birthday....


I don't know which films More4 are showing but lets hope for some of the Sheffield related ones Kes, The Navigators, The Gamekeeper, Looks and Smiles, The Price of coal all have connections with this part of the world.


Having looked at the More4 schedule I can only see "Raining Stones" on Friday 16th June 2006, the More4 website states "As recent Cannes Palme d'Or winner Ken Loach reaches 70, More4 celebrates the birthday of one of Britain's most celebrated directors with a season of his finest films and, next week, a documentary looking at his life and works."


We shall see.

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  • 2 months later...

...And now there is the new Arctic Monkeys' video, "Leave before the lights come on" which is shot principally on Shoreham St (Outside Red Tape) the roof of the Workstation, and then on London Rd between George Barlow's and The Cremone.

It's one of those that doesn't work geographically if you are familiar with the area, but for most people that's not an issue

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cant remember if it was a film or series but it was about the yorshire ripper,

on tv couple of years back... the supposed police staion in it was the univeristy building on mappin street...

could be wrong but wasnt there a low budget dolph lungrun film filmed in sheff some years back!!!!!!!

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