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Wednesday Chat #2 - Discuss the Owls here

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More wednesdayites more bothered about how the Premiership Blades are doing than their own League championship team :thumbsup:


The same league Championship side that is making undeliably great strides towards the Premiership? The same fans that are now truly happy with the way that everything is now happening as it should: the Owls getting back to the top and the scum spiralling back down beneath us where they belong.


UTO :thumbsup:

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Certainly think given time the owls have a set of young players capable at some stage of playing in the prem.The season after next would be a good time to be really pushing for promotion.You take what your offered but a play of spot may just be beyond the lads.Loads to be positive about tho and things rolling along very well.:thumbsup: As for canada dry , let him post andcarry on with his well thought out comments.:hihi:

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The same league Championship side that is making undeliably great strides towards the Premiership? The same fans that are now truly happy with the way that everything is now happening as it should: the Owls getting back to the top and the scum spiralling back down beneath us where they belong.


UTO :thumbsup:


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

You forgot to put the same fans who were having a good sob when they sacked King Sturrocko :o

And everyone is happy now with Allen in charge still ? Hypocritical comes to mind.

13th place in the league Championship is getting back to the top :help: Not hard to please are we ?




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It's still Sturrocks team. Nobody will ever know if Wednesday would be in the position they are now if he was still there. Laws has done a grand job in putting some belief in Sturrocks team and long may it continue. :thumbsup:


What's all this about Canadablade? Premiership were having a laugh. Are you preparing your sig for next season?

And if you want to wish Happy New Year to the piglets do it on their own thread ;)

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