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Wednesday Chat #2 - Discuss the Owls here

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I'm sure all the blades are waiting with baited breath for your quality input to the threads! Thank god you're a blade, phew!

Ally68, as a Blades fan I'm embarrassed

Blademan89, although noting that you have the right to post anywhere, I would hope that you would try to post something that would lead to intelligent debate when posting on the "enemy's" site rather than the "my dad is bigger than your dad" theme.

It's a new year, let's try to keep things up to a certain standard.

It would be most appreciated. Thanks

See you on the Blades site. :thumbsup:

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I would feel the same chuffinel if someone claiming to be a Wednesday fan did the same. He did show his age not only on his username but by actually going straight onto the Wednesday thread shooting off while he's hiding behind his keyboard. Very big of him! Anyway, hopefully after his 'ccle holiday he might be big enough to apologise to both sets of supporters.


Won't be holding my breath though!

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