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Wednesday Chat #2 - Discuss the Owls here

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Eh? Just mentioning the first thing that came to mind. He was from the neighbouring village to mine (well... almost) - For some reason; i seem to remember that Mr. Crossley has dropped (no pun intended) quite a few gaffs in his time?


Gulp...... there goes the brandy..... I've packed in the pills a while ago :gag:

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I think I speak on behalf of all Wednesdayites and even some blunts when I say....


'CanadianBlunt, why dont you just f**k off. You live in a country that is second best, just like the team you support, you've probably only been to one blunts game in the past 2 years so therefore have lost all sense of reality about the beautiful game, all you tend to do now is post on the Wednesday threads to see who you can rile and then sit in your darkened room, salvating with misted glasses and getting thrills from the responses...:rant:


I bet this post of mine was an orgasmic read for you eh? :rolleyes:


See Lestat, do you not realise this is the kinda response he wants.

He has some fair points, perhaps he takes them too far on occasions. But he is a realist.


Unlike your fine self, who can not even realise that, no you are not the best team in yorkshire. you are barely clinging on to be the second best team in yorkshire. We have proved over the last 3 seasons we are yorkshires NUMBER ONE. Fact up to the facts mate.


I know its hard to admit it, especially to a blade (i remember when wednesday was a lot better than us, i would still dispute it all day long, but deep down i knew i was wrong) but if you honestly believe you are a bigger/better club than Sheffield united, you sadly are living in a dream world mate.


Hear hear! And since he has been to so few Blunts games, should he even call himself a true Blunt??? :hihi:


Women who know nothing should be seen and not heard.

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The problem with Canadablade is that the chip on his shoulder is so big that in every post he writes he can't help but show it. Nine times out of ten he has to have a swipe at Wednesday. It's getting pretty tiresome and very predictable but who can blame him? It couldn't have been easy supporting United while he lived in Sheffield as Wednesday were the bigger more successful team. Granted, United are now in the Premiership but they aren't really making much of an impression at the moment are they? So why keep having a dig at Wednesday? It just shows how very bitter he is.


Anyway, enough time wasted on that subject.


Good luck to the lads today. A tricky one today but hoping for another win but I'll take a draw if I have to.



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I just think there is just a lot of sexual tension between canadablade(small c) and Lestat....



Maybe you two should just get together and get it out of your system?

You might have a solution there except for the fact that lestat couldn't find Canada on the map.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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