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'Smart' Motorways.

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So first wait for the police to entirely close the opposite carriageway...

Solves the problem of access for the emergency services, albeit with a major delay first.

Double the impact of an accident though, in terms of traffic problems caused.


Er no..


IF say the northbound carriageway was blocked between J40 and 41, you would go to J41 and drive south to the accident on the northbound carriageway. No need to have the other side closed at all.

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Revolutionary/fanciful thoughts:

- there's no such thing as an "accident" (I.e. "Diddums, never mind, wrong place, wrong time; it's just one of those things; it will all come out in the wash; the emergency services will turn up; everything will mend or be mended; the insurance will cover it ...)

- instead, the blue lights don't turn up to whisk you away, ever, you have to find your own way home; your car is gone, you've lost your job; the hospitals are closed and can't/won't help and your wounds never heal; your insurers turn their back on you; and you go to jail for driving in a closed lane ...


Would your driving behaviour change to avoid this "Armageddon"?

Would you do EVERYTHING in your power to avoid running out of space and having an "accident"?

Would you follow the advice given in the HC, keep more than adequate space, back off a little when, inevitably (that's how m/w's work), someone moves into your space. Would you comply with "lane closed" signage and, when the traffic comes to a halt, still retain some space ahead so that you could move forward and sideways to allow blue lights through?

Remember: driving safely is no accident.

Fanciful thought, let's have a "drive safely" day where we commit to keeping space 'cos running out of space is getting a little tedious and keeping space is not rocket science.

Or, numbskull-like, shall we wait for a machine to do it for us?

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Er no..


IF say the northbound carriageway was blocked between J40 and 41, you would go to J41 and drive south to the accident on the northbound carriageway. No need to have the other side closed at all.


Oh, you use the same side, and come back down it. Right, I get it now.


That's only possible if it's entirely 100% blocked.


If there are a few cars squeezing past, then you can't do it.

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  • 1 month later...

Are these "new" super motorways safe, no hard shoulder just small areas to pull in every few miles along them.


What is the protocol if you break down between the small "safe" areas. I suppose jump over the barrier and get out of the way asap. It does not seem to be a clever move to get rid of the hard shoulder.



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Are these "new" super motorways safe, no hard shoulder just small areas to pull in every few miles along them.


What is the protocol if you break down between the small "safe" areas. I suppose jump over the barrier and get out of the way asap. It does not seem to be a clever move to get rid of the hard shoulder.




Your dead buster. Deader than dead. Dead as door nail, deader than.......sorry what will happen is the speed limit of the matrix signs will drop to 50mph and they'll close the inside lane off until you're towed away. It works on bits of the M25 and M42 without massive problems, and now doubt other places too.


Let's put it this way - what happens when you break down on the A1?

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