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'Smart' Motorways.

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Happens all the time. A little bugbear of mine. Come the revolution, they're first up against the wall. Well them and those who don't indicate before junctions


Can I add drivers who don't have a clue how to merge properly, at the pace of the lane they are merging into?

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The section close to Nottingham...


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 08:01 ----------



No. Quite clearly we aren't. As already described it has 4 lanes and a hard shoulder.


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 08:02 ----------


I agree that there is a fundamental difference between the M1 section towards Leeds, with 4 lanes and NO hard shoulder, and the M1 section close to Notts with 4 lanes AND a hard shoulder.


Then the 4 lane section has been open over 3 years then.


---------- Post added 11-04-2016 at 13:36 ----------


I saw plenty of that yesterday on the newly opened section.


Those will be the mythical Sunday drivers. They don't want to get "boxed in" you see. :loopy:

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My experience so far is that it is 50 mp/h limited 4 lanes open, but I travel mostly during peak hours, so that would make sense. Once I drove back in the early afternoon and it was 70 and four lanes.


What I know for certain is that it is flowing an awful lot better than it did and that is the point of these upgrades. Regular users will notice a huge boost to their journey times, mostly because traffic isn't stuck at EVERY junction like it was before.


Just wait till you have a flat tyre and are stuck in the running lane with no way to escape because there is no hard shoulder


The smart motorway round Wakefield is the dumbest pile of cack I've ever seen the Highways dept come up with.


The M62 to Manchester, and presumably the Notts section are far far better.

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You mean those in the right hand lane (which also can go straight on) who dont indicate right until the very last second? I'm with you there, brother!!!!

Ah that wasn't what I was thinking of - I was thinking of roundabouts where you are about to pull out but the offender then carries on round like a numpty. And the person who is turning left when you are trying to pull out and you miss a chance to get out.

But your point is equally valid. On with the blindfold.

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Just wait till you have a flat tyre and are stuck in the running lane with no way to escape because there is no hard shoulder


The smart motorway round Wakefield is the dumbest pile of cack I've ever seen the Highways dept come up with.


The M62 to Manchester, and presumably the Notts section are far far better.

I won't look forward to it, but compared to saving over 2 hours of my life each week because the traffic actually flows now, it is something I am willing to put up with.


Please note: In 15 years of driving it has never happened to me that I had a flat tyre that forced me to stop on the hard shoulder, barring a catastrophic failure due to debris on the road modern tyres are pretty solid. Compared to previously the road is now monitored 100% and all the time and help should arrive very sharpish in case of an accident.

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I dont think I said that whatsoever. I just cant believe that there are people on this forum who think that this new motorway is going to be a deathtrap and are refusing to drive on it.


I'll ask the same question though - how many incidents have there been so far of broken down cars being ploughed into by moving cars because the operator didnt switch the lane off in time? I assume there have been hundreds by now, given its all very unsafe and all that?


Well, you either think your sarcasm is very funny, or you're actually serious, which would make you a bit stupid... Which is it?

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Well, you either think your sarcasm is very funny, or you're actually serious, which would make you a bit stupid... Which is it?


Im being serious. And my question isnt aimed at you, its aimed at the type of people who started this thread.


Are you feeling OK today?

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Nah, I've got a cold.


But if the accident rate were doubled on this new bit of motorway (and nobody has claimed such an increase), even that wouldn't have resulted in hundreds would it. An increased accident rate won't be obvious for several years of monitoring the statistics.

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Nah, I've got a cold.


But if the accident rate were doubled on this new bit of motorway (and nobody has claimed such an increase), even that wouldn't have resulted in hundreds would it. An increased accident rate won't be obvious for several years of monitoring the statistics.


I know it wouldnt. Its obviously an over-exaggerated statement mocking those that think not having a hard shoulder will create the most dangerous road in the world. Now go and have another Lemsip.

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