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Yorkshire Jihadi in the latest IS snuff movie?

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Having now heard his voice I'd agree with my friend's report. It sounds more like somebody from Rotherham or Bradford using their telephone voice than somebody from the south east.


The terrorist's speech is on Youtube. He sounds both regional and working class to me. You can decide for yourselves.

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So these unofficial rumours are just your mate talking rubbish. The bloke's voice sounds nothing like a northern accent.


She's usually got very good sources for this kind of thing, it being her job, but I'm merely passing on a bit of an interesting angle on a current news story with apporopriate caveats.


What did you think the accent was if not a northerner putting on a telephone voice for the camera? I'm no Henry Higgins but I thought that a few words sounded very local.

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It sounds like a generic 'asian' english accent, with a slightly northern overtone. Doesn't sound like a London Asian to me. But I've only listened to the short clip.


Lol at well spoken, init ;)


Eta. Someone over here must know who this scum rat is, they need to turn him in sharpish. No messing.

Edited by natjack
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She's usually got very good sources for this kind of thing, it being her job, but I'm merely passing on a bit of an interesting angle on a current news story with apporopriate caveats.


What did you think the accent was if not a northerner putting on a telephone voice for the camera? I'm no Henry Higgins but I thought that a few words sounded very local.


What's her job? Is their a profession dedicated to deciphering different British accents? Someone who does that job for the Telegraph writes "As well as speaking with a London sounding accent....".




And why would a jihadi bother to have elocution lessons before releasing a video clip?

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On the news it said a British accent . This terrorist should lose his British citizenship if he holds it, regardless of where he was born . Mohammed Emwazi was born in Kuwait , so the British Government should have stripped him of his citizenship when he was identified .


Until international law changes it's illegal for a country to leave someone without a 'home' country. God knows how this is policed mind you. How about we make attempts (if possible and low risk) to arrest him, try him and then lock him up in solitary for the foreseeable?


Perhaps we need an international prison run by the UN. I'm being serious here. Make some crimes, crimes of the world (murder, terrorism etc - must be very well defined and not woolly!) and if convicted of them in situations like people who have gone to join Daesh then the UN charges, tries and imprisons them. This takes away the problem of having some countries effectively welcome them home as martyrs and gets around some legal loopholes. I'm sure there are issues with my idea so go ahead and point them out to me :D

Edited by sgtkate
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What's her job? Is their a profession dedicated to deciphering different British accents? Someone who does that job for the Telegraph writes "As well as speaking with a London sounding accent....".




And why would a jihadi bother to have elocution lessons before releasing a video clip?


At least two people on this thread who have actually listened to it think it's much more local than London. If we're wrong we're wrong, but you obviously haven't listened to it and you're relying on central news agency reports to disagree with people who have actually heard the terrorist speak..


We'll find out soon enough but for now you can make it easier for yourself to have an opinion by having a listen for yourself instead of taking the Telegraph's initial report as the ultimate answer, because I think it's wrong from what I've heard. natjack described it perfectly for me.



What do you think after listening to him?

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It sounds like a generic 'asian' english accent, with a slightly northern overtone. Doesn't sound like a London Asian to me. But I've only listened to the short clip.


Even pinned down to Rotherham or Bradford apparently..or could it be Rotherford.

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At least two people on this thread who have actually listened to it think it's much more local than London. If we're wrong we're wrong, but you obviously haven't listened to it and you're relying on central news agency reports to disagree with people who have actually heard the terrorist speak..


We'll find out soon enough but for now you can make it easier for yourself to have an opinion by having a listen for yourself instead of taking the Telegraph's initial report as the ultimate answer, because I think it's wrong from what I've heard. natjack described it perfectly for me.


Why does it matter at all where the person is from? There are approximately 300 UK passport holders fighting over there. They could come from anywhere in the UK. Whats your point?

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