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118118 Charges on my phone bill??

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Have you noticed any other faults on your line? Buzzing, overhearing, crosstalk? Do you have a cordless phone? Have you got any presets in the memory (poss accidentally). Is your line fed overhead? does it go through a tree? Have you ever been contacted by 111 as though you had attempted to call them?

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I'm horrified at the cost of the calls to 118118....I usually check adverts on the TV and look at the small print at the bottom of the screen to see what it says....


One that tickles me is the anti dandruff shampoo which makes claims about visible flakes from a foot away...etc....

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Have you noticed any other faults on your line? Buzzing, overhearing, crosstalk? Do you have a cordless phone? Have you got any presets in the memory (poss accidentally). Is your line fed overhead? does it go through a tree? Have you ever been contacted by 111 as though you had attempted to call them?
.......the phone is cordless.Line fed from pole that touches a tree,non of the others!
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.......the phone is cordless.Line fed from pole that touches a tree,non of the others!


Have you tried complaining via twitter?...Sometimes they jump on complaints on there pretty quickly, to prevent adverse publicity....Cos everyone who follows BT on twitter will see your complaint...A lot of companies have dedicated twitter teams to sort out problems before it gets picked up by the 'nationals'...Just a thought!

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Have you tried complaining via twitter?...Sometimes they jump on complaints on there pretty quickly, to prevent adverse publicity....Cos everyone who follows BT on twitter will see your complaint...A lot of companies have dedicated twitter teams to sort out problems before it gets picked up by the 'nationals'...Just a thought!
Thanks ,but just waiting for a reply to my last email to them setting out the facts,.....i know it's only £11.70 but it's the principle that gets me. May try Twitter if no response!
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I don't understand why we should be outraged that a company that advertises on TV offers poor value for money? I think that the reason as to why they charge so much is that they've got a huge marketing bill they need to recoup.


Never said you should be outraged- I said it was outrageous and that it's really sad that so many people think it isn't. As for their marketing bill, that's their problem, which, it's clear, they're totally happy to recoup by ripping people off.


---------- Post added 05-01-2016 at 17:18 ----------


Its a legitimate business and they can quite rightly be advertising on television.


If people CHOOSE to use their services and CHOOSE to pay for the convenience of being put through directly AFTER they have been made aware of the charges then that's their choice.


They may well be "rip off" but they don't make their money any other way. The days of Directory Enquiries being an essential and thus well used service are long gone. Nearly every mobile has the internet these days.


People are paying for the convenience and such convenience comes with premiums.


Didn't say it wasn't 'legitimate'- many rip-offs are completely legal.


People use this 'service', in many instances, cos they have no idea the calls will cost upwards of £5.

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People use this 'service', in many instances, cos they have no idea the calls will cost upwards of £5.


Well then they are idiots. Call charges are clearly stated on their advertising and if you are offered direct connection you are told by the operator how much the call connection and subsequent minute charges are before the operator puts you through.


If those people still CHOOSE to use the service then that's their decision alone.


I certainly would not call a premium rate service without knowing how much it costs.

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Never said you should be outraged- I said it was outrageous and that it's really sad that so many people think it isn't. As for their marketing bill, that's their problem, which, it's clear, they're totally happy to recoup by ripping people off.


Why is 1181118 so outrageous and other advertised products like Jaguar and Hugo Boss not? They all advertise for goods or services that you can get a lot cheaper if you're so minded.

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Why is 1181118 so outrageous and other advertised products like Jaguar and Hugo Boss not? They all advertise for goods or services that you can get a lot cheaper if you're so minded.


I guess because the target market of 118 companies is people without decent phones who are predominantly elderly and/or poor.

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Just received my BT phone bill.Listed on the invoice are two charges of £5.85 each for calls to 118118 enquirers, which I have not made on the 19th of November 2015. One for a duration of.06 sec and one for .15 sec


'What Does it Cost to Use 118 118?

Calls to 118 118 cost £2.75 per call plus £2.99 per minute, (minimum 60 second charge applies). In addition you will be charged an access charge per minute by the company that bills you for calls.'


I doubt that the calls were .06 seconds and 0.15 seconds they would be 6 seconds and 15 seconds, I've never seen a phone bill record call lengths in hundreths of a second. The bill is showing duration in M:SS format.


£5.85 sounds correct for a call under a minute; £2.75 + £2.99 is £5.74, plus an 'access charge per minute by the company that bills you for calls'.


It's odd though if you are 100% sure you or anyone else has never used the 'phone to call that number.

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