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How to help rough sleepers in Sheffield?

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Then those who WON'T engage with such, only have themselves to blame and should be dealt with by police and/or community support officers, questioned as to why they are on the streets in the first place, and put into whatever rehab or help program is needed...


The ones that don't or can't, again, should be talked to by community support, find out WHY they don't or can't, and then helped into one of the schemes and/or hostels...


it wouldn't take much to have a team of people going round talking to the homeless etc, instead of waiting for them to make the move, then complaining about homelessness, if the council don't like it, they should do something proactive about it...


Some people might CHOOSE to live on the street and why should we stop them if they aren't doing anything wrong other than sleeping outside?


But I do agree with you that the ones that do want support but can't access it for any number of reasons should be the ones who get the help first.

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Some people might CHOOSE to live on the street and why should we stop them if they aren't doing anything wrong other than sleeping outside?


But I do agree with you that the ones that do want support but can't access it for any number of reasons should be the ones who get the help first.


It's those who choose to live on the streets i'm talking about mostly, it's fine if they choose to live on the streets, but when they then sit there asking for money, or complaining about things because they are on the street, THIS is what narks me the most.... if it's your choice, don't complain.... if you're complaining, then do something about it, by which case it's back to what I said, get off your back side and get to a hostel or something similar...

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Then those who WON'T engage with such, only have themselves to blame and should be dealt with by police and/or community support officers, questioned as to why they are on the streets in the first place, and put into whatever rehab or help program is needed...


The ones that don't or can't, again, should be talked to by community support, find out WHY they don't or can't, and then helped into one of the schemes and/or hostels...


it wouldn't take much to have a team of people going round talking to the homeless etc, instead of waiting for them to make the move, then complaining about homelessness, if the council don't like it, they should do something proactive about it...


`If you was to read my above post, according to the Archer Project boss, who was on the radio this morning,

"LSS" those on the street are there of there own free will, and wont accept help. As said above there are only about twelve people like that in Sheffield>

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Ghozer have you ever been homeless or has anyone you've known really well been homeless?


Yes, Yes I have.... Through circumstances that were not my fault...... and because I wasn't pregnant, under 18, or foreign, the housing wouldn't help.... but I had mums sofa to sleep on, was there for about 4 months before I luckily managed to find somewhere on 'first come, first serve'


But I still went to places, housing, shelter, got a list of hostels etc, but i'd have to have been referred to them, or had to be homeless for a certain period of time etc...


BUT, there was shelters and places I could have gone for some food and to sleep out of the weather if I didn't have my mums sofa to sleep on... I did all the research, went everywhere I could and talked to everyone I could....

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Then those who WON'T engage with such, only have themselves to blame and should be dealt with by police and/or community support officers, questioned as to why they are on the streets in the first place, and put into whatever rehab or help program is needed...
Well I think the whole point is that the rehad and/or help isn't there in the first place.


A very good friend works at a mental hospital, and a homeless guy with mental health issues was in for a while - then when he was deemed to not be a danger to himself, they sent him off on his way back to sleep in a car park or something! And this is by no means and uncommon story. And come on, we're talking about someone with mental health problems here, not some generic "homeless junkie" that most people conjur up in their imagination.


---------- Post added 05-01-2016 at 15:52 ----------


Yes, Yes I have.... Through circumstances that were not my fault...... and because I wasn't pregnant, under 18, or foreign, the housing wouldn't help.... but I had mums sofa to sleep on, was there for about 4 months before I luckily managed to find somewhere on 'first come, first serve'


But I still went to places, housing, shelter, got a list of hostels etc, but i'd have to have been referred to them, or had to be homeless for a certain period of time etc...


BUT, there was shelters and places I could have gone for some food and to sleep out of the weather if I didn't have my mums sofa to sleep on... I did all the research, went everywhere I could and talked to everyone I could....

Yes that is mostly true, apart from they don't dish out homes to people just because they're "foreign". That bit is made up.
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Well I think the whole point is that the rehad and/or help isn't there in the first place.


A very good friend works at a mental hospital, and a homeless guy with mental health issues was in for a while - then when he was deemed to not be a danger to himself, they sent him off on his way back to sleep in a car park or something! And this is by no means and uncommon story. And come on, we're talking about someone with mental health problems here, not some generic "homeless junkie" that most people conjur up in their imagination.


---------- Post added 05-01-2016 at 15:52 ----------


Yes that is mostly true, apart from they don't dish out homes to people just because they're "foreign". That bit is made up.


wasn't talking about dishing out homes, was just trying to get some help and support to find somewhere, and they wouldn't help at all, got all info from else where...

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Yes, Yes I have.... Through circumstances that were not my fault...... and because I wasn't pregnant, under 18, or foreign, the housing wouldn't help.... but I had mums sofa to sleep on, was there for about 4 months before I luckily managed to find somewhere on 'first come, first serve'


But I still went to places, housing, shelter, got a list of hostels etc, but i'd have to have been referred to them, or had to be homeless for a certain period of time etc...


BUT, there was shelters and places I could have gone for some food and to sleep out of the weather if I didn't have my mums sofa to sleep on... I did all the research, went everywhere I could and talked to everyone I could....


I meant did you ever have nowhere to live for a period. With respect I don't consider sleeping at your mum's as being homeless. I ask because you seem to have very fixed hard views about homeless people.


I know someone who became homeless, and saw what it did to him. He was an intelligent, personable young man, and yes he did manage to get himself a hostel after a few days, but he found it the most disorientating dehumanising experience even then.

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wasn't talking about dishing out homes, was just trying to get some help and support to find somewhere, and they wouldn't help at all, got all info from else where...
Fair do's, I mean I do agree with you to be fair Ghozer. The cost of owning a family home, or even a one bedroom flat, these days is just ridiculous and completely out of reach for the vast majority of lower income people, especially the uneducated (of which I am one). Renting is getting more and more expensive too - I have a fairly decent job but can't afford a place on my own.


We used to have social housing to help with this, but it's all been sold off. There is hardly any social housing left, it's really sad.

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