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How to help rough sleepers in Sheffield?

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I meant did you ever have nowhere to live for a period. With respect I don't consider sleeping at your mum's as being homeless. I ask because you seem to have very fixed hard views about homeless people.


I know someone who became homeless, and saw what it did to him. He was an intelligent, personable young man, and yes he did manage to get himself a hostel after a few days, but he found it the most disorientating dehumanising experience even then.


well the only reason I had mums sofa, was because there was no other option....


she lives in a small 2 bedroom bungalow with my sister, so it was VERY cramped.... if she didn't live there, or wasn't with us anymore then it wouldn't have been an option....

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It's those who choose to live on the streets i'm talking about mostly, it's fine if they choose to live on the streets, but when they then sit there asking for money, or complaining about things because they are on the street, THIS is what narks me the most.... if it's your choice, don't complain.... if you're complaining, then do something about it, by which case it's back to what I said, get off your back side and get to a hostel or something similar...


Sorry but thats garbage. I had a friend a long way back who Wanted to leave her home and live on the streets. Why? Because she was being routinely raped by her father and his friends. If that was my life Id want to live on the streets rather than live at home. Her thinking was that if she lived on the streets with no address it would make it harder for her dad to find her.

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well the only reason I had mums sofa, was because there was no other option....


she lives in a small 2 bedroom bungalow with my sister, so it was VERY cramped.... if she didn't live there, or wasn't with us anymore then it wouldn't have been an option....


But the fact is you did have your mum's sofa as an option, cramped or otherwise, so no, you've never actually had nowhere to live have you.

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My own personal opinion of this is, some people cannot handle the stress of managing day to day things like paying bills, shopping, and looking after themselves in general, and of course mental illness i suspect plays a big part.


This is exactly the situation as I see it, with a lot of people and what it needs is something like they have in New York. I was talking to a chap in Brooklyn in the late nineties who helped out at the local mission, they used to be called soup kitchens. Glad that name's gone, but they are trying to get it to work so that known street sleepers are given three meals a day and a bunk to sleep, with no questions asked, because those with mental issues cannot cope with bills, questions, form filling or as he said, some even have issues buying food. Above all that they will help if it is wanted with descent donated clothes and even help finding work, and here's the key. If they want it.

To me this seems the way to do it. It's no bed of roses so I can't see people who aren't in real need doing it and it was for known rough sleepers.

In the meantime, as to Sheffield I think the Cathedral do a lot of good with hot meals and advice, so perhaps a donation to their collection box is a good way to go.

Edited by nikki-red
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Sorry but thats garbage. I had a friend a long way back who Wanted to leave her home and live on the streets. Why? Because she was being routinely raped by her father and his friends. If that was my life Id want to live on the streets rather than live at home. Her thinking was that if she lived on the streets with no address it would make it harder for her dad to find her.


if that was my life i'd go to the police or someone else for help, and not put myself in a potentially worse situation...

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if that was my life i'd go to the police or someone else for help, and not put myself in a potentially worse situation...


Unfortunately we know from the Jay Report into Rotherham, and evidence elsewhere, that police officers routinely questioned the 'lifestyle' of the children that were raped; implying it was their choice.


Some people's behaviour, in terms of sleeping rough (or, indeed, in any circumstance) may not make sense from the outside, but will mean something to the person affected. They may feel safer on the street for some reason.


On a wider point I used to think that, with regards to the homeless 'no I'll not give money to the individual, I'll give it to charity' - However I was gobsmacked when I read this article:




I think I'd rather give money to people on the streets for a drink of brandy or some fags, they need it after they've been out in the cold all night.



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if that was my life i'd go to the police or someone else for help, and not put myself in a potentially worse situation...


You seem very sure of exactly what you'd do in all sorts of circumstances of which you have zero experience.


I can't remember who it was that said you should walk a mile in my shoes before you pass judgement on me, or words to that effect, but I think they were probably wise.

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Yes, Yes I have.... Through circumstances that were not my fault...... and because I wasn't pregnant, under 18, or foreign, the housing wouldn't help.... but I had mums sofa to sleep on, was there for about 4 months before I luckily managed to find somewhere on 'first come, first serve'


But I still went to places, housing, shelter, got a list of hostels etc, but i'd have to have been referred to them, or had to be homeless for a certain period of time etc...


BUT, there was shelters and places I could have gone for some food and to sleep out of the weather if I didn't have my mums sofa to sleep on... I did all the research, went everywhere I could and talked to everyone I could....



How did this not help you



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No probs, NewBiz. I'm glad you pointed this petition out.


This petition is in fact due to be presented to the council tomorrow, I understand. So, if anyone does want to sign it, please don't delay.




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