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Mass sexual assaults in Germany on NYE

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Interesting quote from that article:


Earlier Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said police had to "adjust" to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.

He also warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.

"What happens on right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said. "This is poisoning the climate of our society."


Good spot. When a politician claims objecting to women being raped by immigrants is worse than immigrants raping women then that politician needs removing from office as a minimum. Personally i'd like to see the Germans drive him out of Germany to the arab lands he clearly has more affinity with and anyone who supports him with him.

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Good spot. When a politician claims objecting to women being raped by immigrants is worse than immigrants raping women then that politician needs removing from office as a minimum. Personally i'd like to see the Germans drive him out of Germany to the arab lands he clearly has more affinity with and anyone who supports him with him.


Just another expression of the guilt tripping "national psyche "the Germans have never ever been allowed to forget WW11....thanks largely to the jews,clinging on to this ridiculous culture of blame, constantly rubbing a nations face in it. Germany is a great nation with a vibrant, intelligent and fantastic people, yes they have their idiots, but so does every country. Just one thought to leave you with.:)

Edited by johncocker
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Just because you don't believe it's a credible source doesn't mean the incidents didn't occur. Where have I said ALL rapes are committed by Arabs and North Africans ?


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 01:21 ----------


I was merely posting a few links to incidents that had occurred, the left wing press are hardly going to publish stories about their beloved refugee/muslims/immigrants are they? Come on use your noggin. Open your eyes to what's going on in the world !! This isn't a war where many people will die this is a population/demographic war. We don't even accept it yet, in 100/200 years it'll be remembered for how the White/Black Europeans ignored and helped create/extend a new Middle East.

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---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 01:02 ----------[/color]

Thast like saying because the BNP or Daesh comes firts in Google that we should believe it merely because its first. Find some credible data from a credible source if you want people to be persuaded.

It's not my link, and wouldn't be my first choice, but how are people supposed to know your opinion of it or anyone's opinion, come to that? It's as credible as anything posted on the net by a NGO, to be fair?


What are we going to have, your choice of taquiyya/kitman or the Gatestone or BNI site's choice? Six and three twos, really. Or perhaps we should just refuse to believe anything criminal or immoral could be done by men of 'north african, ME or arab appearance' and bury our heads in the sand while women continue being sexually assaulted by organised groups, when they go out anywhere?


It'll be interesting to find out the men's reasons/excuses for this, when or if any of them ever get into a court of law. There must have been some point to it, other than the obvious. It must have taken some organising and co-ordinating, after all? Rape has been used as a weapon of war for a long time.

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It'll be interesting to find out the men's reasons/excuses for this, when or if any of them ever get into a court of law. There must have been some point to it, other than the obvious. It must have taken some organising and co-ordinating, after all? Rape has been used as a weapon of war for a long time.


here's a reason: it's in the employee handbook, 4:24.


"And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you."

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It's not my link, and wouldn't be my first choice, but how are people supposed to know your opinion of it or anyone's opinion, come to that?


1. Opinion is fine, but opinion making claims as fact should be challenged.


It's as credible as anything posted on the net by a NGO, to be fair?


2. No it isnt, Just because I type ip a web page from my bedroom and make various claims doesnt make them true. I'd expect an NGO to provide credible research and base its claims on credible data. Someone like the ONS.


What are we going to have, your choice of taquiyya/kitman or the Gatestone or BNI site's choice? Six and three twos, really.


3.The only agenda I have is for a fair and accurate analysis of any given situation. I wouldnt use any of those sites.


Or perhaps we should just refuse to believe anything criminal or immoral could be done by men of 'north african, ME or arab appearance' and bury our heads in the sand while women continue being sexually assaulted by organised groups, when they go out anywhere?


4. No that's stupid defeatism. Presumably some responsible and intelligent people will be looking into the issue to assess how serious it is and some workable solutions. Its not just Africans and people of ME appearance. Youd need yo look at the incidence of rape as a whole and then understand what proportion of rapes stem from ethnic communities.


It'll be interesting to find out the men's reasons/excuses for this, when or if any of them ever get into a court of law. There must have been some point to it, other than the obvious. It must have taken some organising and co-ordinating, after all?


5. Why cnat it be the obvious along with a bit of mob mentality.


Imo anyone convicted of any crime which gets them a jail sentence should be immediately shipped back to one of the UN camps.


So I dont take your approach as one source being as good as another. Poor and dubious information does far more to persuade the gullible and ignorant that a situation is X when in fact its nothing of the sort.



Taking 1 million people with little selection and planning was always going to come with problems. They need to pull their thumbs out and see if they cna have some effective solutions to deal with it.

Edited by esme
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The self proclaimed liberal elite, ''Intellectual, enlightened'' saviours of society have been warned about all this crap for years, but just brush it under the carpet, shout racist/Bigot/somekindofphobe etc etc

They have some false belief that it makes them ''good people'' when in fact its some kind of ego trip and they are part of the problem, living in their bubble, they know some who are nice so they must all be nice (about as logical as some are ****s so they must all be)

They group anyone who has concerns into the same category as the real obvious racist/bigoted nutcases while moaning about people stereotyping others from other cultures etc.

They say its all our governments/the West's fault yet these same people they blame are involved in this mass immigration, they don't question the motives, do they really think its out of the goodness of the elites hearts or some other agenda?


Gullible fools is about as polite as I can put it, and we ain't seen nothing yet, one day they'll go oh, maybe they had a point those nasty wacists....Probably too late by then


If you want this utopian no borders thing then a few things need to happen, Religion needs to go ...all of them and base life round science and technology and Greed/power needs to go too....Not going to happen is it


Too many hypocrites, too many egos, too many intolerant people pleading tolerance.

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Is anybody surprised by this? people have been saying for months the number of sex crimes against women and girls will skyrocket with this massive influx of migrants from the Middle East. They have a complete disregard for women. Their culture is completely different to ours. Yes, it will increase racial tension, but does that mean it should just be brushed under the carpet and go unreported? Anyone who dares to speak out is slammed down as being a racist, which is utterly ridiculous. It is fact, and should be made public. We have a right to know.

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