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Mass sexual assaults in Germany on NYE

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I do think you are over-reacting, I have faith in the German government sorting this out, but it isn't pretty and it needs to happen swiftly and decisively.
Feel free to see it as an overreaction.


Personally, I view it simply as proactive pre-empting. Same reason I won't be going diving in Sharm and we won't be holidaying in Turkey any time soon: there is a documented, proven, clear and present danger to being there. The surest preventative measure is simply not to go there.


Particularly considering the political climate maintained by the German ruling class and mass medias (who are still only talking about "threats to deport"...when, 8 days on, the first few proven culprits should already have been kicked out, very publicly and preferably Gitmo-like shackled and harangued by the public on the way to the airport gate, to get the message across loud and clear to those still in Germany).


If this had happened in France, the CRS would have caved the perps' heads in right from the start without passing go and collecting 200, and the Gvt would now be busy covering the officers' collective a55es (as it always does, regardless of whose heads were caved in), rather than delay the reporting and downplay the scale of the issue. Not big nor clever, but it has the merit of proclaiming loud and clear to guests what is and isn't acceptable, and what the consequences of bad play are likely to be. Which may explain why so few 'refugees' want to stay there rather than, well, by the looks of it, anywhere else in the EU really.


I'd sooner go visit and contribute to Budapest's tourist economy, tbh. At least their government and populace play with a straight bat.

Edited by L00b
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Good spot. When a politician claims objecting to women being raped by immigrants is worse than immigrants raping women then that politician needs removing from office as a minimum. Personally i'd like to see the Germans drive him out of Germany to the arab lands he clearly has more affinity with and anyone who supports him with him.


Sorry but I disagree slightly with you here. Men on masse threaten to rape and murder women daily within right-wing forums. I have had death and rape threats from Britain First supporters through Facebook for simply pointing out a grammatical error. This happens all the time all over the world, and is *nearly* as bad a men actually carrying out the threat. Being almost constantly sexually abused and insulted every time you try to argue with someone (not on here I will add!) about a strong view point does get to you after a while and I fully accept rape or physical sexual abuse is clearly worse, you cannot downplay the psychological effect of those threats. So that politician has it almost right and I suspect you've misread or misinterpreted what he was trying to say, that neither the attacks in Germany OR the terrible misogyny online are acceptable and tolerated and that there's a certain irony that it's the right-wing elements who are going all gung-ho against the perpetrators when evidence shows conclusively that it's right-wing online posters who threaten rape as a method to silencing dissenters.

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To sgtkate,


I'm a bit surprised that throughout the analysis contained in this thread, that there hasn't been any mention of Patriarchal culture; being a factor in socialising some men,into thinking that the rape and molestation of women is acceptable and normal. And such behaviour is a true expression of masculinity.

As a FE teacher in North London for 30 yrs. I was horror struck, by the large number of young men who where totally comfortable with referring to women-and their women friends as, "bitches" and "whores".

Edited by petemcewan
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To sgtkate,


I'm a bit surprised that throughout the analysis contained in this thread, that there hasn't been any mention of Patriarchal culture; being a factor in socialising some men,into thinking that the rape and molestation of women is acceptable an



Pete, I doubt anyone really knows what the issue is. There are almost certainly a multitude of factors - doing what you see everyone else do is likely high up. Being physically stronger so being able to do it. Believing you are better than a woman so it's your right to do what you want. Just wanting sex!


Nothing is simple and looking for one root cause is likely to end up a failure. However, something that is almost certainly being looked into is why people who post right wing views (both of the Britain First type and also of ISIS type!) have a greater tendency to use rape as a weapon, whether just threatened or carried out. I'd be interested to see research and statistics into that as if there is a correlation or even causation found, we'd have a great starting point of how to remove rape culture from both our own citizens and start trying to fix some of the 'newcomers' culture as well.


Equally, I'm not ignoring that woman are also rapists and use similar language online to the men to threaten and that's interesting too and needs further investigation. This is society issue, not solely a male one and that's important.

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Seems the info is slowly coming out about how widespread this issue is.


So far, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Helsinki, Zürich, Salzburg and Cologne have reported similar issues with apparent immigrant men sexually, assaulting and harassing women at the new years eve celebrations.


I think Murkel may well be either voted out or toppled as leader of her party within the next 12 months unless there is a strong response from her and her government. Its a pity Gerhard Schröder is no longer in German politics.


Also, didn't Sheffield have issues a while back with refugee/immigrant men from north Africa and somalia harassing young girls in and around the peace gardens. I remember reading reports about how they were trying to get these girls into prostitution. In part this was the reason we have the City Ambassadors patrolling the areas now.

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I didn't shout racism. The poster I was responding to was claiming that most rapes were committed by men of Middle Eastern/North African descent. I was asking him to provide evidence and asking whether his assertion was based on mere prejudice or something more solid.

If you want to condemn me for looking for the truth, feel free, fire away.


---------- Post added 07-01-2016 at 18:34 ----------



What's the source of your claim?



Here we go again, there's plenty of stats that show figures all similar to the ones I quoted. If you're that interested then try doing some searches of your own

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