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Mass sexual assaults in Germany on NYE

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do you think i am right wing?


I assume that was at me. I don't know what your political views are nor do I care. Sexual assault shouldn't be defined by our political views. If there is an issue it should be acknowledge calmly and then plans drawn up to try to fix it. If the issue is with a certain culture of some people then that MUST be included otherwise we are going to get nowhere. What I object to are some of the comments in this thread claiming that muslim commit most rapes and so on, with no evidence to support that. Facts we have at the moment regarding the attacks in Germany is that the perpetrators were of predominantly North African/Arab appearance. How anyone can get from that to "must have been muslim" baffles me. If it is indeed the case that all the males were muslim then that must be included in the case and looked into further. For me the cultural difference between men from North Africa and the Arab states is fair more of an issue than their religion. Your religion is a small part of your culture not the other way around.

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As a FE teacher in North London for 30 yrs. I was horror struck, by the large number of young men who where totally comfortable with referring to women-and their women friends as, "bitches" and "whores".
I'm unsure how much of this can be attributed to a patriarchal culture, as opposed to the decades-old US rap culture (assiduously assimilated and followed by common British youth and that of many other countries) in which these expressions have long, long, long been a normative standard, tbh :|

Your religion is a small part of your culture not the other way around.
Perhaps here in the EU, but I'd have though that was broadly untrue for broadly non-secular Arab states, tbh :|


Whence the cultural angle rejoins the political angle, where recent mass immigration is concerned.

Edited by L00b
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Pete, I doubt anyone really knows what the issue is. There are almost certainly a multitude of factors - doing what you see everyone else do is likely high up. Being physically stronger so being able to do it. Believing you are better than a woman so it's your right to do what you want. Just wanting sex!


Nothing is simple and looking for one root cause is likely to end up a failure. However, something that is almost certainly being looked into is why people who post right wing views (both of the Britain First type and also of ISIS type!) have a greater tendency to use rape as a weapon, whether just threatened or carried out. I'd be interested to see research and statistics into that as if there is a correlation or even causation found, we'd have a great starting point of how to remove rape culture from both our own citizens and start trying to fix some of the 'newcomers' culture as well.


Equally, I'm not ignoring that woman are also rapists and use similar language online to the men to threaten and that's interesting too and needs further investigation. This is society issue, not solely a male one and that's important.


In spite of what some people say about detracting. I think you are spot on I agree with you. A multifactorial approach to understanding what ingredient

are at play, will be more revealing than seeking a single cause.

I think education has a part to play-and the family (amongst others). I was brought up in a solidly working class family in East Manchester. I was taught at home and at school, to respect women. So it goes.

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I assume that was at me. I don't know what your political views are nor do I care. Sexual assault shouldn't be defined by our political views. If there is an issue it should be acknowledge calmly and then plans drawn up to try to fix it. If the issue is with a certain culture of some people then that MUST be included otherwise we are going to get nowhere. What I object to are some of the comments in this thread claiming that muslim commit most rapes and so on, with no evidence to support that. Facts we have at the moment regarding the attacks in Germany is that the perpetrators were of predominantly North African/Arab appearance. How anyone can get from that to "must have been muslim" baffles me. If it is indeed the case that all the males were muslim then that must be included in the case and looked into further. For me the cultural difference between men from North Africa and the Arab states is fair more of an issue than their religion. Your religion is a small part of your culture not the other way around.


Just to add to my own post, I think that the way Rotherham was handled with regards to a clear religious/cultural element was awful. It made scapegoats, hid the truth, and not only likely allowed more sexual assaults to go unreported but actively encouraged racism when the truth finally came out. Could and should have been handled far more openly.

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Looking into similar goings on across the water it's even more worrying. In Sweden for example 77% of rapes are committed by a 2% Muslim male population –(Gov data)




Here we go again, there's plenty of stats that show figures all similar to the ones I quoted. If you're that interested then try doing some searches of your own


So you are saying over 3/4 of all rapes in Sweden are committed by Muslims. Is that correct?

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Just because you don't believe it's a credible source doesn't mean the incidents didn't occur. Where have I said ALL rapes are committed by Arabs and North Africans ?


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 01:21 ----------


I was merely posting a few links to incidents that had occurred, the left wing press are hardly going to publish stories about their beloved refugee/muslims/immigrants are they? Come on use your noggin. Open your eyes to what's going on in the world !! This isn't a war where many people will die this is a population/demographic war. We don't even accept it yet, in 100/200 years it'll be remembered for how the White/Black Europeans ignored and helped create/extend a new Middle East.


I fear you are right. The attitude seems to be thus:


We will come to your country


We will impose our values


You dare not stop us


As a result we will spread the word of our God


Now I am no racist. I worked for many years in Huddersfield alongside a significant Muslim population and made many friends. It's definitely not the people who have been here for years or, indeed, were born here that seem to be the source of these problems. But it does appear that someone, somewhere has eventually worked out that the best way to invade a region is to be granted free access to it. The vampire is at his most dangerous when you invite him in.

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I fear you are right. The attitude seems to be thus:


We will come to your country


We will impose our values


You dare not stop us


As a result we will spread the word of our God


Now I am no racist. I worked for many years in Huddersfield alongside a significant Muslim population and made many friends. It's definitely not the people who have been here for years or, indeed, were born here that seem to be the source of these problems. But it does appear that someone, somewhere has eventually worked out that the best way to invade a region is to be granted free access to it. The vampire is at his most dangerous when you invite him in.


the ideology of islam is the source. not muslims, the cult they follow.


there, i said it. let's see how long the truth stays out.

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the ideology of islam is the source. not muslims, the cult they follow.


there, i said it. let's see how long the truth stays out.


Why do you post random statements like that as if it's some kind of hidden lie we've all been telling ourselves and somehow you are the ONLY man alive who KNOWS the truth? It massively detracts away any good points or arguments you may have made.


If you have a view point then put it clearly, without making out the whole world is ready to shoot you down, just so you can say 'see I told you everyone was against' the moment someone questions you.

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