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Mass sexual assaults in Germany on NYE

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This was not unreported in German and Dutch press
It was clearly and incontrovertibly delayed and downplayed in Germany, France and the UK, Tim, without a shadow of a doubt - whence the recent apologies from the very same said German media.


And we've yet to hear much about the time-coordinated copycat sexual attacks in Hamburg (60 cases at latest estimates) and Frankfurt (40 cases at latest estimates), to say nothing of those we'll likely never heard about because they occurred in too isolated surroundings or due to the shame of the victims.


Victims which are now being blamed by Köln's mayoress instead, advising them as she does to avoid groups of men, go out in groups themselves, avoid going out at night...you know, just like in African and Indian cities.


European values? How quickly they're being toilet-flushed in the name of political correctness.

Edited by L00b
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I don't think this is something as trivial as a few sex attacks NYE. We're seeing a complete clash of cultures. Terrorists attacks and the prospects of them happening are hindering daily life. We're seeing orchestrated theft. Sexual assaults and rape en masse. We're seeing native populations scared in their own cities via intimidation from large gangs of men. We're seeing no-go areas popping up around Europe. We're seeing friction between communities and a complete disregard for assimilation. We're seeing an exploitation of European welfare states. We're seeing constant riots. Underclasses are being formed and so crime is rising.


I could go on but probably the most worrying thing about the whole thing is the failure to acknowledge that there is a problem.

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I don't think this is something as trivial as a few sex attacks NYE. We're seeing a complete clash of cultures. Terrorists attacks and the prospects of them happening are hindering daily life. We're seeing orchestrated theft. Sexual assaults and rape en masse. We're seeing native populations scared in their own cities via intimidation from large gangs of men. We're seeing no-go areas popping up around Europe. We're seeing friction between communities and a complete disregard for assimilation. We're seeing an exploitation of European welfare states. We're seeing constant riots. Underclasses are being formed and so crime is rising.


I could go on but probably the most worrying thing about the whole thing is the failure to acknowledge that there is a problem.


After campaigning to let so many in the politicians could hardly admit there's a problem could they...

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I also think it's highly dangerous to deny that there is an issue. It's pretty clear this time to even someone who is fairly pro-refugees (me :) ) that something needs to be done here. Whether it's new refugees or people who have been settled in Germany for sometime isn't really relevant. Clearly something is causing this awful behaviour and needs stopping without being potentially hampered by not investigating what appears to be clear racial and cultural link.


All I've said is not to target all refugees or migrants, or assume they are muslims because they aren't white etc.

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Now two German newspapers have claimed to have seen an internal report by a senior officer who was at the scene, where it is reported that a number of those involved in the incidents mocked officers by tearing up their residence permits and saying they “couldn’t be touched because [Angela] Merkel invited” them.


Bild reports that one of those involved allegedly told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”


Tearing up his residence permit, another said: “You can’t do anything to me, I can get a new one tomorrow.”


According to witnesses, the males, between 15 and 35 years old, tightly surrounded women in groups of 30 or 40, before groping them and mugging them and their partners.


The internal police report details that the outbreak of violence could “be far more serious than previously thought”, and at one point says that senior police officers fear “there could have been fatalities”.


“Many women came to officers shocked and crying and reported sex assaults. Police forces were unable to respond to all the events, assaults and offences. There were just too many at the same time.”


Bild does not name the author of the police report but identifies him “as the commander of some 100 officers sent as reinforcements to the area outside Cologne’s main station on New Year’s Eve”.


A local newspaper, Cologne's Express, reports that fifteen asylum-seekers from Syria and Afghanistan who had "only been in Germany for a few weeks” were briefly held by police in connection with the on New Year's Eve sex attacks.


“We arrested 15 people. These people have been in Germany for only a few days or weeks,” said an unnamed officer.


“Of these 15 people 14 are from Syria and one from Afghanistan.


“This is the truth even if it hurts.”


Police in Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf have also reported similar incidents but on a smaller scale than Cologne.



Doesn't come much more damning. If genuine refugees have any nonce, they'll shop culprits post-haste if/when they get to know who they are. If not, they'd better start growing (still-) thicker skin fast, because their daily lot is about to get a whole lot worse.


In any case...that's the L00b household not bothering with Weinachtsmarkten for a few years, and a straight nein to any velleities of school trip or language school in Germany for Miss L00b. Merkel and her Tourism Minister can bother to count the aggregate fallout.

Edited by L00b
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Doesn't come much more damning. If genuine refugees have any nonce, they'll shop culprits post-haste if/when they get to know who they are. If not, they'd better start growing (still-) thicker skin fast, because their daily lot is about to get a whole lot worse.


In any case...that's the L00b household not bothering with Weinachtsmarkten for a few years, and a straight nein to any velleities of school trip or language school in Germany for Miss L00b. Merkel and her Tourism Minister can bother to count the aggregate fallout.


But what's merkel going to do - send 'em back? There articles on the bbc describing Syrians dying of starvation out there now. I note Sweden are struggling with large numbers of immigrants too.

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Looking into similar goings on across the water it's even more worrying. In Sweden for example 77% of rapes are committed by a 2% Muslim male population –(Gov data)


Feel free to call me racist for even mentioning that but I'd say that the real racists were the ones carrying out these terrible crimes and the bigots are those that simply can't except that there is a real problem here and unless it's raised head on it will only get worse.

Edited by MickyA
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Recent events have made me rethink many things. As a result of what is happening im having all the females in my family go to self defence/kickboxing classes so they are better able to defend themselves when this inevitable comes to our shores.

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